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"Im not feeling this party" you half smiled looking at Cesar. "Come on it's fun" he said smiling as he pulled you closer to him. "I'm tired I'll just walk home" you said yawning. "Aww mi bebe is tired I'll walk you home I won't let you leave alone" he said caressing your cheeks. You smiled "I live a couple houses down I'll be fine" you said as you grabbed his hand going outside. "No What kind of man will I be if I let you walk alone" he said as followed you down the drive way you smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I'm home safe now as you can see I'm in one piece" you said smiling he did. "Yeah because I protected you" he said you giggled. "Oh yeah from what the crazy frog on the sidewalk" you asked raising a brow he laughed. "I slayed dragons for you" he said grabbing your waist and pulling you closer you smiled as you put your hands in his chest. "Buenas Noches mi rey" you said smiling. "Buenas Noches" he said giving you a kiss you saw as he walked down the drive way you went inside soon fall into a slumber.

-next day

"Mama I'm gonna take my break I'm tired" you said blowing the hair out of your face. You had been helping your mom clean up the house removing old stuff so that basically took your whole day. You went into your room going on your phone you had a couple of text from the guys including but a message from an unknown number. You furrowed your brow and opened it, it was a picture of Cesar and some blonde girl and then a video of popped up it was of Cesar and the girl kissing her taking off his clothes. "Y/N means nothing" was said in the video.

Tears brimmed your eyes you threw your phone and cried. He cheated on you last night after you left you never thought he would stump down and so low. Your sadness soon turned into anger and you flow out of your room and out the house. And ran to his house.

It was night time and you didn't care you ran to Cesar's house. You walked up his lawn there was a bunch of Santos working out or just smoking. "Te odio" you yelled at Cesar pushing him to the ground you got up on top of him slapping him as hard as you could. "Damn this hyna is wild must be a freak on all fours" was yelled out. "Eres un puto te odio" you slapped him. "Hermanito you better back up before you get smacked up" Oscar laughed. "Cállate puto" you said you soon felt someone get you. "Vámonos" your mom said.

"Te odio eres lo peor" you yelled as you cried. "What are you talking about" he asked confused. "I heard and saw your fun night yesterday how could you" you said he looked at you confused the guys just whistled and laughing. "Sabes que" you said getting calmed you got loose from your moms grip. A bunch of oh's were heard from the guys. You walked up to him you looked up at him he looked down at you confused. "Forget me forget what we had I never wanna see you in my life again I hate you" you said pushing him going into your moms car she got in and drove off.

"Why didn't you tell me about you dating a Santos" she asked angry you scuffed. "Yeah mom te voy a decir hola mamá ando con un Santos no te preocupes" you said sarcastically. "Don't get an attitude with me" she got angry. "I'm sorry, but I don't wanna talk about this I just broke up with the guy I thought who loved me but was a cheating pig" you said tears in your eyes. Her face softened she came and hugged you you just cried on her shoulder.

"You don't have to go to school"  your mom said you just shrugged. "I have to face my demons some how" you said walking out your door you walked to school walking alone, Cesar always walked with you.

You sat alone at lunch you hadn't seen Cesar at all today which was your luck. You saw felt someone sit in front of you it was him. You gathered you stuff and started to get up. "I was drugged I swear" he said you looked at him and opened your water bottle throwing the water all over him people looked at you guys and they started laughing. "I deserved that" he said you rolled your eyes and started  to walk away.

You walked to the track but he followed you. "Y/N I swear I was drugged I don't remember her I don't know who she is I swear I can bring her to you and she'll tell you the same thing" he said you turned around and looked at him. You reached for your other water bottle "no please no I swear I'm not lying" he said you rolled your eyes. "Your so full of shit" you said crossing your arms over your chest and laughing at him. "Fine you don't believe I'll make you believe me" he said grabbing you by your arm.

"Cesar Stop.. cesar your hurting stop... where are we going" You complained the whole way to where ever you were going. "Tell her, tell her you drugged me" he said as you walked into the gym the cheerleaders were practicing the blonde chick from the picture was there she walked up to you guys and she started laughing. "Tell her" he said through gritted teeth. "Tell her what" she asked stupidly her hands on her hips. "Don't try me" he said angrily you just looked at him shocked. "Okay okay yeah I drugged her I made him say everything you heard I sent you the picture and video but it was just show nothin happened " she said scared. You looked at her shocked.

"I swear to god" you said starting to walk up to her. "Calmada" Cesar said grabbing you by the waist you just stood there he grabbed your hand making you walk about the gym. "I swear I was drugged when you told me what happened I didn't even know what you were talking about she made me repeat stuff" he said you just sighed running a hand through your hair. You sighed looking into his eyes he was sincere "did I hit you hard" you said looking at his cheek. "Nothing I couldn't handle" he said you just chuckled.

"I swear you the only girl in my life" he said grabbing you by the waist pinning you to wall. "I believe you" you said caressing his cheek. He smiled "I love you mi hyna" he said you chuckled pushing him a bit. "I love you vato" you said leaning up and connecting your lips to his.

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Spooky (Oscar) and Cesar Imagines (OMB)Where stories live. Discover now