I'm fine

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So.. I'm back I did publish a part but I deleted it BC I didn't like it anyway this gonna be about Jiang cheng

..... Jiang cheng lost his family including Wei wuxian since wwx is now married to wangji wwx visits Lotus Pier less. It was a cold quiet night and Jiang cheng could not sleep so he decided that he would just take a walk in the woods he didn't bring his sword as he didn't think that it'd be necessary he founded himself walking aimlessly to a tree that was next to a small pond he sat under the tree and stared into the dark sky until he heard sounds coming from the bushes‚ scared he got ready zidian and was on guard as the sound got louder he narrowed his eye and the spark on zidian got a bit bigger. Only then for a white bunny as white as snow to pop it's head out from the bushes, Jiang Cheng sigh relief that it was not some crops or someone following him.

He was going to continue sitting under the tree admiring the beautiful night sky but before he turned back he felt something covered his mouth he tried struggling free but was no use he felt his body grow weaker, his vision became blurry and the darkness consumed him.

The next morning one of the disciple for the Yunmmeng sect knocked on Jiang Cheng's door but no one answered the disciple hesitated but opened the door only to have an empty space greet him. Then suddenly a rush of worry flow through him he checked everywhere in Lotus Pier but their sect leader is no where to be found the young disciple informed everyone in Lotus Pier and everyone started to search for their sect leader. The more the disciples of Yunmmeng search the more their worry rose the day was about to end and they still haven't found their sect leader they were left with no choice but to ask other sect for help they informed the GusuLan Sect and soon the news had reached WWX, Wangji and Xichen. Everyone including the Lanling sect went looking for Jiang Cheng.

Meanwhile Jiang Cheng was in a dark cold room his head spinning and feeling the need to vomit as he can feel his whole body burnning he looked around and was trying to make out where he was. Then in the corner of his eyes he spoted a figure he moved back to be safe only to have something stoping him from moving his feets and hands were chained he looked back at the figure again only for it to say"save yr efforts that's not going to work"Jiang Cheng looked at the figure hesitated to speak but did anyway"...who are you?"but the figure only laugh"oh knowing me won't be necessary as you will be dead at the end of this week"the figure laughed and walked out the room Jiang Cheng was left there processing what the man just said tears formed in his eyes think to himself that he will never see the light of day again he sat there helpless then suddenly he remembered he has his ring maybe he can break free but when he turned to look at his hand his hope to escape was crushed they had took zidian off.

Days has passed and people were still searching for Jiang Cheng but on the other hand WWX was panicking thinking that the last time he visited Jiang Cheng was the last time he will ever see him  he had a feeling of regret that he didn't visited the Lotus Pier more while Wangji was trying to calm WWX down Xichen regretted no confessing his love for Jiang Cheng early and now his gone(...dude just f#uking look for him his not dead suck it up and start looking😡😒)

The next morning a disciple bursted though the door shouting saying that he has found the Yumeng sect leader
Xichen was the first to react and ask the young men to lead him to the place where Jiang Cheng was kept WWX and Wangji followed behind. The closer they were the fastest their heart beatted and all sorts of thoughts run through their mind when the got there it was a small shed in the middle of the forest. They all stay scilent not making a sound  until they saw a man coming out of the house holding a knife and seem to be wiping something of it they knitted there brows together curious, as soon as the man left Xichen in instructed the disciple to go after the man while the three look for wanyin the three male walked in to the shed they looked around and spotted a door WWX didn't hesitate and opened the door to his horror Jiang Cheng was chained he was bleeding from the side and was unconscious WWX ran to Jiang Cheng tears in his eyes, Xichen and Wangji had walked in on the scene Xichen heart shattered at the sight while Wangji stood there shock not knowing what to say Xichen quickly unchain him and ran straight to the Gusu WWX and Wangji quickly followed.

Awhile later the disciple burst through the door with the man that had supposedly stabbed Jiang Cheng, Xichen instructed that he will get back to the man until then he should be locked up. WWX sat next to Jiang Cheng and looked at him with puffy eyes Jiang Cheng looked weak almost lifeless his face so pale and had gotten even thinner than before the thought of losing him was devastating and it will be even harder for Jin ling since he was the only relative he had and losing him may cause him to lock himself up in his room. Some time passes and they heard a knock on the door WWX turned to the door and Jin ling pop his head from behind and when he saw the state his uncle was in the he ran to the side of his bed holding his hand crying his eyes out WWX patted his back and left him alone"uncle please wake up...I can't lose you not yet..don't live me alone I'm not fit to lead the Lanling sect yet.."Jin ling said sobbing non stop holding Jiang Cheng's hand tightly after a few minutes had pass Jin ling fell a sleep Xichen came in and sighed at the young lad he instructed the disciple to take him out so he had time alone with Jiang Cheng.....

Ok I'mma stop here it's too long....and sorry for only posting now ;;;

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