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So I found some interesting word that I found while reading some book in this app and would like to test it out with my writing the ship is Nie Mingjue x Jin Guangyao so with out further ado let's start...
.....it was late at night the moon shining at its brightest, Jin Guangyao was pacing back and forth in his room restless he had been meaning to meet Nie Mingjue. But,alas he was kept from doing so due to the work that keeps piling on the table he wanted nothing more to just see his face as he was having a bad day. "Ugh! I've made up my mind I must see him if not I won't be able to sleep!" He cried as he quickly scrambled to his feet walking out his room.

Carefully he snuck pass the night patrol and entered the forest like this it was easier to not get caught after a few hours of walking, bumping into trees and tripping over roots and stones he has finally reached Qinghe Nie. He quickly dust himself and walk up to the entrance "halt! Who goes- oh s-sect leader Jin f-forgive this rude disciple he didn't notice sect leader Jin present sooner!" The young disciple stuttered as he bowed. "oh it's quite alright beside I didn't announce I was coming anyway I just wanted to visit" Jin Guangyao chuckle as he said "would sect leader Jin like me to inform sect leader Nie of yr arrival?" The young lad ask nervousness hidden behind his voice, Jin Guangyao just nodded in response the disciple then gestured for  Jin Guangyao to follow him.

Not long after, they had arrived in front of Nie Mingjue room, Nie Mingjue dismissed the disciple,"to what do I owe the pleasure sect leader Jin?" The man asked while placing the brush down and crossing his arms "..II don't actually have a reason just...wanted to visit?" Jin Guangyao replied in a question-like answer his palms starting to sweat due to the nervousness he cursed under his breath for not having an excuse. Nie Mingjue just raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything after a few seconds of silence Nie Mingjue continue "...if sect leader Jin came for a visit then would sect leader mind as to accompany me for a drink?" And without hesitation Jin Guangyao agreed.

Both were sited under the moonlited night sky accompanied by the cold, silent night; hesitate to speak afraid that it would ruin the calming silence for one another. It stayed like that for another few more minutes, by now Nie Mingjue was a bit drunk but mostly sober which means he is fully aware and Jin Guangyao was drunk but sober enough that he would be able to remember parts of what happened. "....Sect leader Jin what is the actual reason that your here for?" Nie Mingjue ask looking up at the sky Jin Guangyao was quite for abit "dose sect leader Nie really want to know?...well.....I came to see sect leader as I was having a bad day...bc seeing sect leader always makes my day" Jin Guangyao reply his cheeks now a hue of blossom pink.

Nie Mingjue was shock at the answer he didn't feel disgusted but more happy at it,he didn't say anything else and the silence fell apon them once again. Jin Guangyao felt a tad bit uncomfortable so he quickly got up, he staggered as he lost his balance and fell on top of Nie Mingjue "Ah! Sorry!" Jin Guanyao exclaimed he was about to get up but Nie Mingjue wrapped his arm around his(JGY) waist and flipped them around causing him to be under while Nie Mingjue straddle over him and pining Jin Guanyao's hand on either side of his head. "AH! *hic*YR DRUNK!"Jin Guanyao  blurted out of panic Nie Mingjue let out a puff of air and rolled his eyes "I'm pretty sure yr the one that's drunk here sect leader I'm still fully sober" he said with a impish smile before leaning down to peck his nose Jin Guanyao stared back, his mouth slightly gaping. He could feel his cheeks start to heat up more to the point where he was so sure that he looks like a tomato; tugging his arm to try and struggle free from Nie Mingjue grip but Nie Mingjue was to strong.

Once again Nie Mingjue wrapped his arm around Jin Guanyao's waist and pulled him closer. He then proceeded to pull Jin Guanyao up one arm still around his waist and the other on his back to surport him, with his index finger Nie Mingjue lifted up Jin Guanyao's head and brought his lips closers to Jin Guanyao's. Both men hesitated but soon enough the gap between the two closed, Jin Guanyao hands cupped Nie Mingjue's face while Nie Mingjue had his hands around Jin Guanyao's body holding him close as tho he would lose him any minute. The kiss was passionate and  time to time one of them would smile into the kiss, one thing led to another and Nie Mingjue trailed down to Jin Guanyao's neck nibbling him and giving him soft kisses Jin Guanyao would tilt his head to give Nie Mingjue better access. Licking him down to his collarbone and bitting down hard but not too hard that it would hurt him just enough to see the marking. Nie Mingjue planted a last kiss on his collarbone before moving back up to face Jin Guanyao and kissing him again.

Not long after Jin Guanyao was feeling tired and nestled his head in between Nie Mingjue's neck and shoulder. Nie Mingjue was too feeling tired and so he carried Jin Guanyao back into the room he placed him on the bed and got into the bed as well. They both cuddle and was pulled in to the darkness and out of consciousness.

The next morning Jin Guanyao woke up and was about to get off the bed until the realisation hit him that he was not in his room "....this is not my room" he whispered to himself as he turn and was faced with one pair of eyes looking at him. The sudden flow of memories from last night came to mind and he was a blushing mess "morning" Nie Mingjue said with a gruff voice which made Jin Guanyao blush even more "m-morning" he managed to utter out Nie Mingjue smiled at this but didn't say anything "I-I should be going now b-before they wonder where I am." Jin Guanyao studdert getting off the bed but before he could he was pulled back Jin Guanyao stared in shock "what no good by kisses?" Nie Mingjue ask in a manipulative manner Jin Guanyao smiled and gave Nie Mingjue a last kiss before running of to Lanling Jin.

OK! hope y'all enjoy this I know it was umm idk weird but hey at least I updated Soo I hope it was not to cringy and I now know that my exam is Oct 21 so I won't me writing from here on until exam is over... ok I have nothing else to say....°-° ok bye.

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