care about the singles

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So this is a wen ning x jingyi :3 I'm also sorry I have not posted the sec part of 'im fine' yet due to the lack of idea I'm having so for the time being plz enjoy this I will be announcing when I post 'im fine' so look forward to it now without further ado let's start...

. was afternoon and the trio were on their way to night hunting, as always Sizhui and Jinling are acting lovey dovey and jingyi is the third wheel. "Can you two plz for the love of God get a room?" jingyi ask while looking the opposite side away from the couple"ah! Sorry jingyi;;" Sizhui said holding both of Jinling's hands before giving him a last peck on the forehead. But Jinling only pouted from this "why do we have to listen to you?" He said while crossing his arms in a sassy like manner which in return got a sigh from jingyi"fine then I'LL just leave, have a good day I'll will be excusing myself now" and with that Jingyi was now wondering alone in the forest."gosh couples really don't know how to feel pity for the singles" jingyi said while fiddling with his front hair and looking up at the clamming sky before he knew it he was wondering aimlessly as his thoughts took over.

It was almost sundown and jingyi was about to head back but suddenly realisation hit him that he doesn't recognise this part of the forest and slowly he started to panic."oh gosh how am I going to get back I don't even know were I'm going;; should I just stay in one spot and wait for them to look for me???" Jingyi said while having a debate with himself as tears started to form in his eyes the sky grew darker as time passes. Jingyi was now wondering around his eyes puffy from crying trying to find any exit out of the forest constant sniffs filled the quiet night suddenly sounds were coming from a near by bush jingyi took his sword out and was on guard his hands tighten"w-who's there?...s-show yourself I h-have a sword a-and I'm not afraid t-to use it!" He said and let out a shaky breath. After he said that wenning came out from the bush"ah! Young master why r u here alone this late are you not supposed to be back at gusu?" Wenning said with a bit of worry(is it possible to have emotions when yr half dead? Also I'm writing how wenning acts based on fan arts;; if that makes sense)"wenning! It's just you thank goodness" jingyi said with relief while running to wenning and hugging him as tears started to fall again. Wenning froze from the sudden action but patted jingyi's head in attempt to clam him down"is young master lost?"wenning ask while still patting jingyi's head and in no hesitation jingyi nodded with his head still buried in wenning's chest.

Not long after wenning had clam jingyi they started to walk but since it's passed midnight jingyi won't be able to enter gusu due to the strict rules and had ended up going back in to the forest."..dose young master mine if I stay by yr side and take care of u for the night, u may use my shoulder as a pillow if u like." Wenning say with a straight face(cuz he's not able to show emotion duh ya dumb author) this made jingyi jump at the sudden offer but non the less he hesitantly nodded. A faint blossom red slowly tainted his cheeks, he was embarrassed tho the walking crop sees it he dose not know. jingyi never really got help from people often as he's always doing things himself the young lad then took a sit under a tree and patted a sit next to him. Wenning go the message and went to sit beside jingyi, he hesitate to put his head no wenning's shoulder but soon enough jingyi got sleepy as it was pass him bedtime he nodded off and slowly his head fell on wenning's shoulder.

Need less to say jingyi caught a cold and a short lecture from Sizhui but on the other hand he got to stay in.

Ok so I hope ya enjoyed this it might not be the best bc I think I forgot how to write;;;; hope ya don't mind 😅😅

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