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So at school today, I was walking around like just normally to lunch and this fucking grade 8 decided he's going to bash his ginormous bag into my side. I turned around and asked him what the fucks his problem, and he just gives me the finger. What? He's like twelve and he's giving me the finger? What has this society come to?

A lot of shit happened today though, I found out one of my best friends might be going to the other side of the country next year and it started a big argument. She seemed so happy about moving, like she didn't give a fuck about what she was leaving behind, and that really upset me. I didn't say anything to her, but one of my other friends did and now my group is fighting. It's a stupid argument really, I mean, yeah I get why she wants to move, like, her parents really don't like eachother and her real mum has no respect for her step mother. Her dad is the one who would be moving and since she is with him more, she would probably go. But it's not mine or anyone else's choice but hers if she decides to go, and we can't change that, even though we are what she'll be leaving behind.

I'm so angry at my brother. I walked in on him flexing in the mirror today. He is twelve. I mean, yeah he has muscles and abs and stuff, but he's skinny and all fuck and it looks weird. I said that he was being up himself thinking he is so big and shit and then he's all like 'I am big look at this! look at this! I'm gonna get so many girls! I'm so good at sport! I'll beat you anytime!' well those weren't his exact words, but that's basically his vocabulary. He's so up himself, the minute I told him he would be popular in highschool he started saying all this shit that I wasn't because I was to into bands and shit and I just got angry. Bands are fucking awesome how date you. I'm sorry not amazingly pretty or super skinny with a meter wide thigh gap, of I don't have a million boyfriends or the best fucking clothes, but I couldn't give one less shit of what my brother has to say about it, but to be honest, I care a lot about what other people say about it.

And that's my problem. I couldn't care less about popularity, it's not the most important thing in the world right? It's not like it's going to go onto your profile and anyone's even gonna give an actual fuck?


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