• Eight •

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Jungkook sat outside, staring at you to see if you would eat or just be stubborn and not eat to make him see how angry you were

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Jungkook sat outside, staring at you to see if you would eat or just be stubborn and not eat to make him see how angry you were.

And that's what you were doing. You were hungry, even starving, but you had decided to be stubborn. You were sitting on the bed, hugging your knees and staring at the bed.

"Y/n, eat."

You ignored his command and stayed on the same position. Your mind traveled back to the day you were in bed with him, his hand on your cheek while you both stared deeply into each other's eyes.

The way he slowly leaned in, his lips parting as they barely touched yours. Then, the moment he pulled away made your heart shatter yet again.

Your eyes got teared up again as you came back to the present, looking away to the side with a sigh.

"Eat, goddammit!"

You jumped at his sudden yell, his hands slamming against the bars of your cell. Your eyes stared at him in shock and slight fear, hands trembling slightly.

"Sorry..." He muttered.

You watched him stomp towards his office, slamming the door shut behind him. You jumped again and soon after started sobbing, wishing you weren't there.

You wish you never saw that body, you wish you never went there, you wish you never met him.

You didn't care or realize that your sobs were echoing around the station, nobody there apart from you, a few more hostages and Jungkook who had a night shift.

Jungkook stayed by the door of his office, listening to your sobs as tears threatened to fall as well, sighing softly.

After a few minutes of crying, you finally decided to eat, taking small bites from the rice and meat you had on the plates. You took some vegetables and sighed, starting to feel sleepy all of a sudden.

When you finished eating, you laid down and your eyes instantly fell closed, dying from exhaustion even though you didn't do much exercise today.

Footsteps filled your ears as you started falling asleep, eyes opening to see a blurry Jungkook beside you, his hand starting to stroke your hair.

"I'm sorry, it's needed."


The cold feeling of metal against the side of your face, your hands against it as well as you leaned on it was the first thing you felt when you started waking up.

You lifted your head with a quiet whine, jumping slightly when you were met with two, cold ad ice, gazes. You sighed softly and touched your forehead.

"Good morning."

"What happened?" You said, finally recognizing the two figures. Jungkook and Jimin. You rubbed your temples slightly since you felt your head spinning slightly.

"I put sleeping pills in your food. After you fell asleep, a doctor placed a liquid into your veins that will make you tell only the truth."

You looked up at Jungkook after he explained, scoffing quietly. "Why did I like you and trust you?" You muttered, your eyes widened and you covered your mouth.

"I guess it's working."

Your cheeks turned red as he chuckled, watching him go through a few papers. "You're an asshole." You mumbled.

"Okay, I get it. Let's get to the point now." He said.

"You were found in a room which turned out to be a murder scene, right?"


"Did you know the girl?"

"No, I never met her."

"Did you know about the body before you the day you screamed?"

"No. There was this uncomfortable smell in the room that kind of showed something was wrong in there."

"How did you find the body?"

"When you knocked on my door after singing, I got surprised and dropped the USB I had in my hand. After that, a few days later, I started looking for it and when I moved the bed slightly, her hand fell."

"Have..." He trailed off.

You had tears in your eyes as you remembered the scene, your hands trembling slightly in fear.

"Can you answer one last question?"

You looked up at Jungkook and sniffed, nodding your head hesitantly. He sighed softly, taking your hands in his with a soft smile resting on his lips that sent a warm feeling to your heart.

"I promise you, I'll keep you save and nothing like this will happen again."

You nodded again and sighed as well, his hands squeezing your comfortingly.

"Did you kill her?"

Your eyes widened at the question and you shook your head quickly. "No! Of course not! How would I?" You exclaimed in worry, your body starting to tremble while you started to sob.

"Jungkook, it's enough. Let's stop it." Jimin finally said.

You watched Jungkook as he got up and sat down on the chair beside you, hugging you close and tightly.

"It's okay, it's done. You can come back home again."

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