• Thirteen •

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You laid with your head on his chest, eyes closed as you slept peacefully

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You laid with your head on his chest, eyes closed as you slept peacefully. You hummed at the feeling of feather-like fingers caressing your arm up and down, making you shiver.

Jungkook's lips pressed against your forehead, feeling them turn into a soft smile when your hand caressed his chest. You were both wearing clothes, you didn't do anything yesterday night.

You just cuddled and slept together, too tipsy and tired to actually do anything. You weren't ready either. It had been a recent time when Jungkook had been heartbroken. And you had a similar experience too.

"You're awake?"

You looked up with sleepy eyes at the sound of his voice, "Yes. I woke up just now." You replied, giggling quietly when he leaned down and pecked your lips.

"I hope you slept well. I didn't mean to snore in your ear if I did."

You chuckled at his joke, feeling his hand caress your cheek which made you open your eyes again, gazing into his.

"You're very beautiful."

You blushed at his sudden compliment, biting your lower lip and hiding your face in his chest. His chuckle reached your ears, feeling his arms wrap around you and pull you into a tight hug.

"I'm not joking."

"I know." You whined, making him chuckled even more. You glared at him before sitting up, squealing when he pulled you back, his arms holding you in place.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"I'm running away from you." You simply replied, feeling his hands slowly creep towards your sides. You knew what was coming but acted tough.

"Are you sure?"

You nodded, knowing at that exact moment, you fucked up. His hands started tickling you mercilessly.

You twist and turn in his arms as he wrapped his legs around your waist to keep you still and trapped against his body. "No!" You exclaimed, laughing loudly.

"I asked you I'd you were sure, this is what you get."

His arms hugged you close and stopped tickling you, leaning over your shoulder as he hugged you from behind. He started placing kisses on your neck and face, all over the place.

"You little tease!"

You chuckled softly at his words, biting your lips together as he stopped and sighed, kissing your lips for one last time.

"Are you sure you want to run away?"

"Yes. I still think like that." You joked, squealing when he playfully bit your neck. "Jungkook! Y/n! Breakfast is ready!" Jimin shouted from downstairs.

"The fun is taken away by Mr. Park himself."

You slapped his chest and finally freed yourself from his strong arms, getting off the bed and stretching. "I will go and get dressed into something else." You said, leaving the room after winking at Jungkook.

Soon after, you were dressed in some comfortable clothes. You didn't really about how you'd look, you just wanted to be comfortable. (Me 24/7)

You soon after walked out, heading downstairs where you found Jungkook and Jimin at the table, waiting for you. You sat down, Jungkook eyes already on you which made you blush.

"You two left pretty soon, what happened?"

"I didn't feel well." You said at the same time, blushing even harder. Jimin narrowed his eyes at you but ignored the fact you two were weird.

"Let's just eat." He said, starting to eat from his plate. You and Jungkook did the same, starting to eat from your own plates while glancing at each other from time to time.

"Okay there is definitely something going on between you two."

"No, there isn't." You said, shaking your head as you looked up and chewed on your food. Your cheeks were puffed out since you loved stuffing your mouth with food.
(Like, who doesn't?)

"You are so cute with your cheeks like that."

You blushed at his words and looked down at your plate, chewing and swallowing the food down. Jimin scoffed, "Are you two dating?!"

"Yes, we are."

You widened your eyes at Jungkook sudden answer, making you start coughing. You covered your mouth while Jimin started carefully patting your back, eyes wide.

Once you were done with the coughing fit, you watched as Jungkook and Jimin stared at each other intensely.

You felt something was wrong, maybe Jimin didn't like the idea of Jungkook dating a suspect, even though you weren't a suspect anymore.

Maybe they were keeping something from you, Jungkook was keeping something from you and Jimin knew about it. Jimin knew what it was and you didn't.

"Mr. Jeon. I would like to talk to you in private."

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