The escape: part 1

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 Characters: Sasha and Cameron

'No way !' Sasha said laughing when Cameron showed her the picture. 'I always thought there was something off about her good girl act but it feels nice to know she actually was just a needy slut.'

Cameron felt guilty she lied to Sasha about what was one the picture Chloe didn't want this she was forced to.

'Stop it' A voice said at the back of Cameron's head: 'its your fault, you called him and you knew exactly what was going to happen.'

'But..' Cameron said to the voice: 'No buts, you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into its to late to change your mind.

Or do you actually want to become that nice girl you act to be?'

'No!' Cameron said: 'I refuse to stay like that.'

'Then this is the price you have to pay ,her hell for your heaven seems fair right?'

'Yes ,your right she has been living in my heaven all this time know its finally my turn.'

'Cameron!' Sasha said breaking her thoughts.

'Could you go back again after two weeks or something? I wonder if she is still acting like a little slut.'

Go back again, she really didn't want to but what choice does she have she just has to be Sasha little puppet for while then she'll be pulling the strings. 


Hey guys sorry that i stopped updating for a lonnnnggggg time but school is hard dude.

Anyways school is almost done so that means more updates .

Thanks for reading and please vote or comment if you liked my chapter.

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