Chapter Twelve

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The hosts PoV

The sound of the door closing echoed throughout the room, after a few minutes of silence Hikaru spoke up.

"Kyoya! When did you ask him on a date!?!"

He said, his annoyance and anger showing through both his face and his voice.

"I asked him after we visited his work"

Kyoya replied bluntly, a slight red tint coming to his cheeks.

"Why did you ask him!?! You know we like him too!?!"

This time it was Kaoru's voice that spoke up, both of the twins now glaring at Kyoya.

"It was because you two like him, that I didn't hesitate to ask him. If I did you two would have gotten to him first!"

He replied, clearing his throat a little at the end and glaring back at the two gingers. Silence once again encompassed the room, the only sound being the occasional passing footsteps of a student or faculty member. The hosts all stared at each other, some awkwardly and some angrily. The twins and Kyoya were still glaring at each other, luckily before things could escalate further Haruhi stepped in.

"Alright! That's enough! It's Reo-senpai's decision who he wants to go on dates with! If you really want to go on a date with him that badly, just ask him!"

Haruhi yelled, obviously frustrated with the childish way the three hosts were behaving. The three aforementioned hosts reluctantly stopped glaring at each other instead their expressions looked slightly guilty and embarrassed. The three muttered an apology before scuttling off to grab their bags and leaving the room, the rest of the hosts following soon after.

Reo's PoV

Arriving at the store with Himari, the first thing I did was check how much money I had left in my wallet. Looking through and finding more than enough to buy groceries for the week, I smiled and grabbed a basket. I grabbed the shopping list out of my pocket and ripped it in half, giving one half to Himari and keeping the other one to my self. After receiving her part of the list she quickly ran off to find the items, I, on the other hand, am way too tired to be running anywhere so I'm just gonna walk. I looked down at the list seeing what I had to buy, seeing that the majority of the list was different meats and fish I took off in the direction of the meat section. Arriving at the meats I quickly began looking for the best deals, after finding the cheapest options I quickly put them in the basket and went to find Himari. I walked up the aisles eventually spotting her in the vegetable section talking to someone, upon closer inspection I noticed that the person she was talking to was Shinobu. Walking over to them I called out to him,

"Hey, Shinobu!"

He turned around and upon spotting me he gave me a tired smile, I smiled back at him. Himari ran over to me and placed the vegetables that she had gotten into the basket.

"Brother, Shino-Chan helped me choose which deals I should get!"

She said excitedly, bouncing on the souls of her feet and smiling at both me and Shinobu, I smiled back at her,

"Good job choosing these one's baby sis!"

I said patting her head and she seemed to beam, even more, I glanced at Shinobu and noticed the bags under his eyes and the strain that was on his smile.

"Hey baby sis, do you think you could take the groceries and go pay for them for me?"

I asked her, she nodded with a smile on her face and I pulled out the money for the food and handed it to her as well as the basket and she slipped away towards the checkout. Watching her skip away I turned towards Shinobu again noticing that after Himari had left he had let his smile drop completely.

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