Chapter Five

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Reo's POV

I walked over to Kyoya to ask where I was supposed to stand, he replied that I was supposed to stand behind him and Tamaki. I went and stood behind them and not even five seconds later the doors are flung open by hordes of screaming fangirls.

"Welcome ladies~, Today we are glad to announce that we have a new host! He does not yet have a type so feel free to suggest one!"

After Tamaki finished his little speech he nudged me slightly and told me to introduce myself to the girls. I scratched the back of my neck as Tamaki practically shoved me in front of them.

"Um Hello ladies, My name is Reo Hinata, it is a pleasure to meet you all"

I have them a fake smile after that. It was silent for two seconds before the squealing started again. What am I supposed to do now? They're all staring and talking ( more like shouting)  about me. I turned back to look at the hosts and all of them except for Kyoya, Mori and Haruhi had a dumbstruck look on their faces. Kyoya noticed my gaze and cleared his throat.

" Excuse me, ladies, if you would like to request our newest host please come over to me now to book an appointment"

He gave a smile ( a genuine one this time considering he's probably thinking about how much money Reo will make for the club). To my and apparently the other hosts' astonishment about three-quarters of the ladies stampeded over to Kyoya to attempt to get an appointment. I looked over to see Tamaki in his emo corner once again. I looked over to Honey, Mori and Haruhi since the twins seemed to have lost their souls for a moment.

"What's wrong with him?"

I asked, looking over at Tamaki who had somehow in the two minutes I had looked away from him grown about twenty mushrooms.

" he's probably jealous since you've probably stolen most of his customers"

Haruhi replied with a deadpan face. She's definitely my favourite in this club so far, she's quite a bit more normal than everyone else in this club, though I can't really criticise people for not being normal considering my upbringing. I nodded my head at Haruhi and was about to go walk over to Tamaki, to see if he was alright when I felt a gentle tug at my sleeve.

"Re-chan, do you want to come have some cake with me now"

I nodded as I had already agreed earlier on. He grabbed on to my sleeve once again and practically dragged me over to his table. Mori followed behind us, as quiet as ever and just stood behind the couch, I looked at him and then looked at the couch and back, silently asking if he was going to sit with us, he slightly shook his head then looked down at Honey, saying without words that he was there to protect him. Honey was pretty much oblivious to this exchange as he was too busy drooling over the different array of cakes layer out I. Front of him, on the table.

"Re-chan, what kind of cake would you like?"

Honey asked sending a sweet smile over at me, I slightly smiled back before looking over the different cakes paid out before me, they all looked really fancy and not really like things that I would eat, I'm pretty sure most of these cakes cost more than my apartment. After looking around the table my eyes landed on a simple-looking vanilla cake. I pointed that one out and Honey happily smiled and cut me a big piece, I smiled back at him before taking the plate from his hand and thanking him, I waited for him to choose a cake or five before eating mine. After eating it, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and Mori was standing behind me, as usual, he didn't say anything so I wasn't expecting him to reach out and touch my face, he put his hand on my cheek and used his thumb to wipe the side of my mouth, I felt my face heat up slightly, then he pulled his hand away and I saw that he had some icing on his thumb. He licked the icing off of his thumb, I'm pretty sure my face is burning. Cute. I heard him think, that really didn't help my situation as my face heated up more than I thought was possible, I cleared my throat and looked down at my lap so I wouldn't have to make eye contact anymore. There was more squealing, why have they started squealing again? Honestly, these girls are way too loud. At least them squealing got the attention off of me for a couple minutes so that my cheeks could cool down, the girls quieted down after a few minutes and Kyoya came over to me, he grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a different table.

" This is where you'll be hosting, please wait here for a few minutes for your first appointment to arrive"

I nodded and he walked away, while I was waiting I pulled out my phone to check the time, Himari's last class finishes in about ten minutes, so she'll be here in about fifteen to twenty minutes if I take into account packing up and travelling time. As I was thinking about this a group of three girls walked up to me and sat down opposite me at the table. I looked up and smiled at them.

"Hello there, it's nice to meet you ladies"

I said to them there faces got slightly red. Why are they blushing? I only said hello to them, it's not like I actually did anything.

"Um, it's nice to meet you too Reo-sama"

The girl in the middle replied, the two other girls beside her just nodded frantically to agree with her.

" There's no need for the 'sama' after all we are all friends here aren't we?"

I said to them with a smile, the blushed once again and slightly nodded their heads. It doesn't seem like they're going to talk much, which might be a slight problem considering how bad I am at talking to people.

" So, um what are you girls' names?"

I asked them since they haven't introduced themselves yet.

" Well um, my names Holly and these two are my sisters Elizabeth and Rebeca, we all moved here from America"

"Those are very beautiful names ladies!"

They all started blushing again, and one of them, Elizabeth I believe moved her hand to start fanning her face but she wasn't paying attention and knocked over the cup of tea in front of her, it would've burned her if not for the fact that I caught her hand before she accidentally put it back onto the hot tea that is currently spilt all over the table. I pulled her hand over towards me and checked it to see if she had cut or burned herself anywhere, thankfully she hadn't. I gently placed her hand down beside her and grabbed a small dish towel that was on top of the tea cart and began to clean up the mess on the table. I looked over and smiled at the girls.

" you should be more careful, I would hate it if any of you ladies got hurt"

I said to them as I finished cleaning up the spilt tea, at this Elizabeth started blushing and she fainted, I quickly rushed over and caught her before she hit the ground, her sisters quickly snapped out of whatever trance they were in and grabbed her out of my arms before carrying her off to what I assume would be the nurses office. As they were leaving Himari walked through the door quickly rushing up to me, she jumped and I caught her.

" Big Brother! School was great today! Nobody bullied me and I made some new friends!"

I smiled warmly at her as she continued to talk about her new friends, not noticing the fact that the other hosts had closed the club and were watching our interaction. Haruhi walked up to us just as Himari had finished talking. She looked at Himari and then back at me.

" your sister is very cute Reo"

Haruhi said to me, Himari looked between us both then said.

"Is this pretty lady big bothers girlfriend?"

Himari asked innocently, Haruhi started blushing and stuttering to attempt to deny it. I laughed slightly as I realised that Himari was just trying to tease us. I put my hand on Haruhi's shoulder now holding Himari with one arm and said to Haruhi,

"Calm down Haru, she's just teasing"

I said chuckling slightly at the end Haruhi blushed even more and looked over at the other hosts who walked over to us. Tamaki started ranting about how me and Himari are 'sooo cute' and that Himari is just like a little princess. Himari looked at him and then turned back to me.

" He's stupid"

She said rather bluntly and look at that what a surprise Tamaki is back in his corner. I turned back to the other hosts and smiled at them before saying.

" Well guys, I've got to get Himari home see you later"

They all said goodbye and I grabbed my bag before leaving and going home. I have two shifts tonight one at the restaurant from 11 pm to 2 am and then another from 2:30 am to 3 am. I won't be getting much sleep tonight then, I internally sighed and continued to walk home with Himari who was now on my back.

-1627 Words-

A/N should Haruhi be a love interest as well?

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