Chapter Thirteen

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Reo's PoV

I woke up feeling someone's arms around me and panicked for a split second before remembering that Shinobu was staying here. I tried to remove his arms from where they were, around my waist, only for him to subconsciously grab on tighter, I sighed and shook his shoulder slightly

"Shino, you need to let me go, I have to go make breakfast"

He grumbled incoherently before rolling over and burying his face in one of my pillows, I smiled and got up before going to make breakfast, deciding on French toast for today. I grabbed all ingredients and began mixing the eggs, milk and vanilla together before soaking the bread in the mixture and frying them in the pan.

I was frying the last few slices when I heard the other two began to wake up and get ready for the day. Himari's quick footsteps were easy to hear from down the hall. Himari was obviously the first one to get to the kitchen, Shinobu trailing in a few minutes after. I dusted the French toast with some powdered sugar and put some berries around it before placing the plates in front of them. I placed the pan and mixing bowls in the sink before grabbing my own plate and joining them at the table.

"Shino, what time are you planning to go get your stuff?"

Shinobu hastily swallowed the rather large piece of French toast that was in his mouth before replying

"I'll go at the same time you do, that way I can drive you to school today since the school is on the way anyways"

I nodded and quickly finished my breakfast before going back to my room to get changed into the uniform.

We all filed out the front door and I locked it behind us. Shinobu opened the car door for me before getting the other side and Himari got in the back.

"Everyone buckled up?"

Shinobu asked, getting yes from both of us, he looked in the rearview mirror and backed out of his parking spot, I reached out and put the radio on. I switched between the channels for a few seconds before settling on one that was playing some kind of piano medley. We reached Himari's school first watching her run out of the car and meet up with the same boy that she had before, I was going to get out too and walk the rest of the way, as I usually do but Shinobu insisted that he drive me all the way to the high school, it was only a few minutes in the car and would have taken only slightly longer on foot but I agreed anyway, knowing better than trying to argue with him, especially in the mornings.

He pulled up in front of the bright pink school and I got out of the car before realizing that I hadn't given him the house key I turned back around and opened the car door again, before fishing the key out my pocket.

"Here, you're gonna be back before I am so you'll need this to get into the house"

I gave him a mock salute and left once again this time with no need to turn back around. As I walked through the hallways I could feel the stares of the girls which made me quite uncomfortable as I wasn't used to them yet, I gave the girls a slight smile if you could even call it that as I'm sure it looked more like a grimace and picked up my pace so I could get to class quicker.

I entered the classroom and took my normal seat beside Tamaki, He and Kyoya were in the middle of a conversation about a park or something so I just stayed quiet and grabbed some supplies out of my bag, as I was doing so I could once again feel a few stares being directed at me. I glanced up and noticed a group of people whispering and glancing at me, which would have been normal if not for the fact that the majority of the group were boys and usually it would be girls that were staring at me. They seemed to be having a hushed argument about something and were glancing towards me frequently.

A few seconds into the argument a girl who was in the group gave a large huff and began marching over to me. I was confused, did I do something? because she's looking really frustrated, she arrived in front of my desk before giving me a forced smile. At this point, the guys in the group were looking kind of panicked.

"Reo-san is it true that you like guys?"

I looked at her confused before answering, at this point Tamaki and Kyoya seemed to have finished their conversation and were looking at us, Tamaki appearing as confused as I felt, whereas Kyoya just had his normal face.

"Well I'm bi, so yes?"

the girl didn't reply instead she turned back towards the group and smirked before almost shouting


The boys in the group, there were three of them looked at me before turning away their ears tinted red, the girl was laughing and walked back over towards the group. I looked towards the two other hosts confusedly

"Is that normal?"

Kyoya replied, his voice somewhere between annoyed and amused.

"Well, it has never happened before, but at the same time we have never had a host who was openly into boys, I assume that they may want to request you later"

I nodded and looked over at the group once more catching them staring at me once again, they quickly turned away and scurried to their assigned seats, the girl of the group still snickering as she went. The teacher then entered the room and class began.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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