What Scares Us The Most...

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*Well this book is getting harder and harder to right °_° so please help me some if you guys like the book or I'll stop writing it for awhile so I can think of some ideas cuz I dont normally write books like this*


The days were long but was really fun because of Adam. He made being here more bearable. When I thought I was going to cry, He would hold me and make me feel better. When I was mad as hell, he would try to make me laugh and it always worked. We even sleep in the same bed but I have to make sure to get up and go to my bed before Nathan came to our rooms.

When Nathan would kiss me and touch me, he would touch everywhere he touched so I wouldn't puke. He would make sure it was okay to touch certain areas though but I didn't care. I just wanted the feeling to go away. He just made me feel so much better

We were all in the kitchen making dinner while Nathan watched us. Well actually he watched me but saying that creeps me out. Adam was also watching me but it was creepy, it was cute because he was just protecting me and Eliza, Mostly me though.

Me and Eliza were wearing pink and black stripe dresses, mine started with black hers started with pink. Adam was wearing a black T-shirt and baggy blue jeans because nqthan wanted him to look bad but it made him look incredibly hot.

"Well I'm going to sleep. You guys go to sleep soon." Nathan said as he hugged Eliza and kissed my cheek. He scowled at Adam as he walked out of the basement.

"I want to punch him in the face so badly." Adam said with his hands balled into fists.

"Well at least he didnt kiss me on the lips this time." I said as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You need to calm down, Adam." Eliza said.

"Yea, Adam. I don't want anything to happen to you." I said.

"Nether do I." Eliza said.

"Well he needs to get his ass beat and killed." Adam said.

I nodded my head yes. "I agree but I don't want him to kill you so please don't do anything... yet."

"Okay I won't do anything... for now." He said as he got up and walked to his room.

"He's one angry boy." Eliza said as I put up the last dish.

"I just hope Nathan doesn't go and kill him. That would really suck." I said while I thought about Nathan killing Adam and my eyes got watery.

"Well, I hope that too. He's to nice to die." Eliza said

"Yeah." I said as I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Well, lets go watch like three movies before going to sleep." Eliza said while wrapping her arm around me.

Eliza and I went to the living room and watched three action packed movies.


After we were done watching the amazing movie Safe, Eliza went to take a shower and I went to check on Adam.

"Adam. Are you okay?" I asked as I stuck my head into his room.

"Yeah I guess." He replied unhappily.

I walked into his room and sat on the bed. "Yeah you sound so peachy." I put my hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong, Adam?"

He exhaled heavily. "I wish I could get you and Eliza out of here. You have been here for almost a year and god knows how long she has been here. I just want you guys safe." He looked at me and I saw a tear go down his face. I leaned over and hugged him. He put his face on my shoulder.

"Don't worry." I said as I rub his back. "You will find away to get us out." He hugged me tighter and laid down. I laid beside him and he pulled me to him since the bed was meant for one and he didn't want me falling off.

"I will find away then me, you, and Eliza are gonna go so far away from here and never looking back." He said with a smile. I smiled knowing sometime, hopefully soon, we will be out of here.


*Well heres the next chapter. Sorry about the wait. Been dealing with a jealous bitch who wont leave my boyfriend alone... anyway, let me know if it good or not*

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