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Brendan gazed into the window of May's bedroom and stared into the distance. His eyes fixed on the flashes of lightning and thunder which smashed through the dark storm clouds, below that was a huge mass of what looked like tornadoes made of water with whirlpools swallowing the water around them and almost throwing it back into the sky.

"I've never seen anything like this." Brendan muttered to himself. "It's insane."

"I have." May interrupted, appearing behind him. "Just before I found you." Brendan turned to her and watched as she tucked her arms into her chest. "The whole world looked like this." Her sad gaze fell to the floor.

Brendan quickly walked over to her and placed his arms around the back of her neck and head, pulling her into a embrace. She crushed her arms in between his and her chest and grasped his shirt. He kissed her forehead gently and rubbed his check against her hair. "It can't hurt us. It's too far away." May nodded and closed her eyes, burying her head into his strong and warm chest. "We should try to get some sleep," he suggested, changing the subject. "Busy day tomorrow. Plus when you wake up. This'll all be over." May raised her eyes to him and nodded.

"Alright." She said simply. "You're right." She let go of his shirt and moved away, taking the red and white bow off of her head and placing down onto the bedside table. Brendan began to walk out of the door, and May watched intently at him. She bite her lip and closed her eyes for a second before taking a breath and breathing in some courage. "Brendan." She called to him gently. "Stay."

Brendan stopped by the door and slowly turned around. Surprised, confused by her request. He watched her for a moment as she slowly walked over to him and placed her arms onto his chest, her hands spreading out just below his shoulders. Her eyes searched his deeply, almost as if she could see through them. Very slowly May grasped Brendans shirt and raised herself up on the tips of her toes, pushing her body against his, then she closed her bright sapphire eyes and kissed him. She pulled back slightly from his lips. "Stay." She repeated. "Please."

Brendan placed a hand onto her lower back and pulled her closer. "Okay." He replied in a whisper. "I'll stay."


May circled her finger on the sleeping Brendan's bare chest. She couldn't stop smiling. The sun was beaming its light through the open window. The thunder and lightning was gone with the storm. The only sound was the waves gently stroking the edges of the island. May felt like she was in paradise. For the first time since Kyogre, she felt happy. She leaned into Brendan's shoulder more, closed her eyes and forgot about it all. The guilt. The worries. The loss. Being with him made her feel so very special. She knew that this was what she always wanted. Even if the way it happened was horrible at least they were together.

A part of Her wanted to get up and make him breakfast. Another part wanted to stay in the bed with him forever. She decided on the latter and turned herself right on her side, tucking in her small feet next to his and reaching right across with her arm over his chest, closing her eyes tightly. She felt as if nothing could ruin this amazing moment.

But of course something did.

The looming green and brown head of her Tropius whimpered and whined. May slowly released herself from Brendan's sleeping body and grabbed a nearby towel to cover herself as she peaked out the window. In the distance she could see something springing out the water. It splashed and cried out in pain, as if it was struggling to escape the deep waters.

Quickly, May threw on her clothes and ran outside, gazing again towards the panicking Pokémon. She looked closely and noticed its features. A large yellow beak. Two huge white wings with a hint of blue down the centre of them, and a huge body with what looked like a mess of fabrics waving about towards its back. May wrapped her arms around Tropius and climbed into its back, flying out towards whatever was happening.

Within seconds they'd arrived and the Tropius's huge wings kept them just above the water. May could finally see the Pokémon. It was a Pelipper on the verge of drowning and the fabrics was a body. It was a person. May instructed Tropius to pick up the Pokémon and the woman it was carrying and bring them back to the island. Tropius struggled carrying such a large Pokémon, but May knew that it was only a short distance away and Tropius could do it.

They reached the shore about a minute later and May jumped down from Tropius to help the person. Brendan had seen what had happened and rushed out to Mays side. The Pelipper coughed and spluttered water everywhere. Brendan ran back inside to find something to help the Pokémon. Maybe a spare potion in his bag or a berry nearby. May however was helping the woman the Pelipper was carrying.

She was dark-skinned, covered in a brown poncho which was soaked through. Her top was blue and white striped and only covered half of her chest, the other half was ripped and torn. Her trousers were the same, blue and white but badly damaged. Suddenly her oceanic blue eyes opened, she immediately through herself to the side and vomited all over the grass. For a moment she coughed before rolling away from her sick and back into eyeshot of May. She looked at her, dazed and confused for a moment before her mouth started to move, forming whispers. After a few seconds she started making sounds and May moved closer to hear what she was saying.

"Traitor." The woman whispered to her. "Traitor."

May lifted her head up and stared into the distance as Brendan came rushing out and helping the injured Pelipper. Without a word May moved away from the woman and slowly backed towards the house. She felt her fists clench, her knees shake, her eyes squeezed together to stop herself from crying.

Brendan watched her as she slowly took steps backwards away from the woman who clearly needed help, but Brendan quickly recognised the uniform. "Team Aqua." He mumbled to himself. "May?" He called out to the girl who didn't reply at all. "May?" He called out again with no response. He gritted his teeth and ran over to the woman, he'd deal with whatever was wrong with May later, for now the Team Aqua woman needed help. He checked her breathing and rolled her over. She was alive but barely conscious. She threw up again, a result of the water inside her lungs. Brendan made sure she couldn't choke on it before leaving her on her side and turning to May who had silently sat down, staring into the distance.

Brendan rushed over to her as the clouds above him covered the sun. He sat down and out his arm around her but it was like she was in a trance. "May? What's wrong?" He whispered to her gently. "I know she's Team Aqua but she needs help."

May turned to him, the edge of her eyes red and flooding with tears. "She knows," May replied. "Brendan, she knows."

Brendan firmly placed his hands around her small forearms and stared straight into her crying eyes. "Knows what?" He asked. Concern and worry was plastered onto his face. He didn't realise how tightly he was gripping onto her arms as she threw her head onto his shoulder and buried it into his neck. "May? What's wrong?" Brendan asked desperately.

"She knows." May whispered through her tears. "She knows."

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