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May sat on the small rock at the edge of the island. She stared deep into the waters, her guilty, broken reflection staring directly back at her. She grabbed a nearby rock and threw it into the water, breaking the calm. She put her hands either side of her head and clutched her hazel-hair, tears streaming down her face. She screamed, screamed so loud that she thought her mouth would explode. The once silent and calm waters erupted with the painful cries of the young girl.

It seemed to last forever.

She screamed until her voice faded. She buried her head into her lap and wept. She had lost everything. Her family, her friends, Brendan. She'd caused the whole world to be destroyed. She'd killed billions of people, billions of Pokémon. Destroyed lives and had wrecked the life's off the unfortunate few who had survived. If the violent storms which and plagued the planet didn't kill her she reckoned a mob would arrive and torture her. All of which she deserved.

It had been over a day since Brendan left.

She hadn't eaten, hadn't had a drink. Her lips where dry, but she wasn't thirsty. Her stomach rumbled but she didn't feed it. Her eyes where tired and sore from the crying and lack of sleep. Her hair messy and unwashed.

She didn't care if her body wanted looking after. She didn't deserve it. She knew she only deserved one thing.

She wanted to die.

She wanted to jump into the ocean and drown. She wanted to throw her head against that rock till she cracked it open. She wanted to cut herself and bleed to death. That is what she deserved. She deserved to die, painfully, alone. With not even a footnote of history about her. She should be forgotten.

She didn't blame, Brendan. She understood. He was the most fantastic, kind, caring person. He deserved better then her. He deserved someone who isn't responsible for killing his friends and family. He deserved someone who doesn't lie to him or keep the truth from him. Someone who doesn't break down in tears whenever she's reminded of the people she's killed.

She couldn't stop thinking about the people. The people in Mauville, trapped in the indoor cities corridors and hallways, gasping for air as the water filled up to the top of its glass roof, crushing them below. The people in Dewford, probably devastated instantly. They would have no place to run. Her mind replayed the deaths of hundreds of people, all of it made up inside her head.

She looked back towards the water.

Jumping down from the rock, May walked into the water, the sea climbing up past her ankles and almost swirling around her leg. She kept walking through until the water had reached her shorts. She stared into the dark morning sky. Her eyes filled with colour but felt as empty as her heart. Like the ocean circling against her legs, it was empty inside. Full of nothing but corpses and a lost civilisation.

It started to rain.

She took a breath, than another. She felt her brain just shutting down. Giving up. In the distance she could see waves crashing against each other. Lighting striking the ground. Clouds erupting in noise. She didn't retreat, she didn't secure the house. She just stood there and watched. Waiting for it to consume her. To take her away, destroy her. It would be a mercy, an ironic mercy. The very thing she created, what she she allowed to happen would kill her.

She didn't know how long had past.

May felt the wind picking up as the storm moved closer. The water began to churn and swirl into life. In the distance she spotted it. A whirlpool. Forming not to far from her little island. It began to drag her towards it although she could still escape. She just choose not too. She let herself her dragged until the water was above her waist. She closed her eyes as the waves, like a hand, grabbed her and pulled her closer. The water rose and rose until it started to cover her completely and she began to drown. She didn't fight it. She just laid there. Eyes shut tight. Powerless.

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