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"Well, did you tell Laura about Ell?"


"Did you tell her about the thing?"


"Did you tell her about anything?"

"That would be why every answer was 'no'."

Carmilla had spent the first moments of band practice being heckled by Lafontaine after letting it slip that Laura was now her girlfriend on the walk over. They'd gotten the attention of the new drummer, who wasn't so new. Carmilla had known him for a while. They'd butted heads a couple times, though she could never remember his name. Wilhelm? He wasn't the only one that was interested in the new development in Carmilla's love life. Lafontaine's trainee was just as interested.

"Well, what are you scared of? Thought you were all vampirilla and non-fearing, all-threatening?" She smirked.

"Shut it before I dye your hair blonde, Lawrence!" Carmilla growled into her mic for the mic check.

"Danny, why don't you go check on Kirsch on the sound bar?" Laf pat her shoulder as she glowered in disbelief and disrespect.

"Yeah, your lack of testosterone boyfriend. Maybe you can feed him his bean burrito and rub his belly like a good pup." Carmilla played a chord on her guitar.

"Hey! Rude! I have, like, epic biceps, bro! Tell her, D-Bear!" Kirsch yelled into his mic from backstage.

"I'm sure the ladies over at your weekly Pilates class are very proud of your accomplishments." Carmilla snickered.

"I go to Pilates once a month, thank you! I can get in touch with my sexy lady parts! Oops! Sorry, D-Bear! I mean my sensitive side." Kirsch came bounding around the corner, smiling sheepishly at his girlfriend.

"Oh? Is that where you get your man boobs from?"


"Hey! At least he can admit to doing something that is publicly embarrassing for him. You can't even have an honest conversation with your own girlfriend about why you're afraid to be her girlfriend!" Danny took Kirsch's hand to calm him down.

"I'm not afraid of anything!" Carmilla snarled.

"Then tell her, Fang Face! If you care about that girl at all, you'd tell her the truth." Danny backed away towards backstage. "Come on, Kirsch."

"Do I really have man boobs? C-Dog was just pulling my chain again right, babe?" He whined.

"I swear, the friendship you two have is unbelievable..."

Carmilla stood in silence, annoyed at how right Danny was. Laura deserved to know. Laura was becoming more than normal. She couldn't lose that. She shook off the thought for now, prompting the drums to start the songs.


"You're kind of quiet." Laura acknowledged, eyeing Carmilla warily.

"I'm not quiet." Carmilla shrugged. "Hear that? That is the sweet sounds of my vibrating vocal cords, Sweetness."

Laura scoffed, folding her arms. "Okay, now I know something's up."

"Let it go, Laura."

"No. What's with you? Spit it out." Laura held her own. "Tell me."

Carmilla sighed, taking in Laura's body language. The little crab cake wasn't going to let in. "The guys kind of gave me hell at practice today. Well-deserved hell."

"About what?" Laura lowered her arms, concerned.

"About you..."

A silence fell as both girls just watched one another. Carmilla was afraid of what Laura would think of what she was about to say. It wasn't that she feared Laura running, but if she ever would. Laura was wondering what hell Carmilla's friends could give her about Laura.

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