End of a Chapter - Chapter 44

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Sorry there is a time skip

*skip to the end of tour*

Joes PoV
So after today my strictly experience is completely over and done with. The last day of tour. The last day that i could be dancing with Dianne maybe forever. Except our wedding of course. Im sad about the tour ending but also happy and excited. We can finally start planning our wedding properly and get ready for a baby boy. I want to be a great father. I think i will but i hope i never ket hime down. Or Dianne down.

Dianne's PoV
"Joe, are you okay? What you thinking about?"
"Oh just the fact that after today we can concentrate on the baby for the next few months while also planning our wedding".
"I know. Im so excited. But please don't drop me again". I said whilst laughing. I saw Joes face change. "Joe, I'm joking. I never got hurt. The baby is fine. We're all fine". He nodded slightly and then pulled me into his embrace.

*skip to after the show*

Joes PoV
"Well guys. I suggest we present these glitter balls to the tour winners. Joe and Dianne!!!" Craig screamed out after the show. Dianne grabbed my hand and took me over to make a speech.
"I'm not the best at speeches guys but here goes... well i should probably start by thanking everyone involved you have all been so kind and generous. When i started strictly i didn't think i would make it to week 3 let alone the final and then on to winning the majority of the tour. That is all down to this girl right here. She pushed me so hard and made me push to my full potential and i am so glad she did because i have had the best time. Thank you to everyone, the judges for not being so horrible to me ha; to wardrobe, set design, hair and makeup. You are all incredible at your jobs and you should be proud. And then also thanks to all the other pros and celebs that are supportive to everyone. It means so much. But mostly thank you to my beautiful, dazzling. Redheaded Fiancé". I watched as everyones faces changed on my last word.
"Omg Congratulations" Amy ran over to us.
"Oh thank god I don't have to keep it quiet to these lot anymore. It was killing me!" 
"Stacey how did you know?" 
"Oh i was there when he gave her the ring". Everyone came over and congratulated us over and over. It felt like a dream come true. I had the mother of my child, my fiancé and my new found strictly family.

Dianne's PoV
We got back from the wrap party and my heart was still bursting with joy from all that Joe had said. He was amazing. I kept telling him that over and over and he kept shrugging his shoulders but whatever. I know it and I know best haha. We got into our room and instantly i wanted to sleep. Joe saw this and immediately changed and laid on the bed opening his arms for me to fall asleep there. I soon dozed off into a deep slumber.

Joes PoV
Dianne was asleep in my arms so i used the opportunity to talk to my son. Father to son.
"Hey baby boy, it's your daddy" i whispered so I didn't wake Dianne up. "I'm going to be the best daddy ever and I'm going to make sure nothing happens to you or mummy because I love you and I can't wait to meet you. Be good for mamma. I love you bean". After stroking Dianne's stomach gently i fell into a light sleep with my redhead in my arms thinking about this being the end of mine and Dianne's first chapter together.

Sorry for skipping past the tour guys. I didn't want to make the story even more dragged out and i wanted to get to the part where their son is born and things like that. So hope you enjoyed it anyway. It kind of seems a bit blocky at the moment. Sorry about that. But question? Do you what anyone else's PoV's or just stick with Joe and Dianne's because I've read some fan fictions where theres other peoples and some are good but some put a bit too much detail and make a new story line. Let me know? Xx

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