Years Come Back - The End - Chapter 75

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1 week later

Joes PoV
We finally got home after 3 days of staying in the hospital for random check. I'm so proud of Dianne. She did so well and is such an incredible mum. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside when I think about how our lives couldn't have ended up like this but they did. We found each other again, everything with anthony and Australia just seems like water under the bridge now. I have my family and it was amazing. Alex was perfect. He was being such a good big brother. Very protective already, he's now 2 and he is speaking a lot clearer than he was 4 months ago. Although Addison is only a week old she is a dream. She isn't screaming at night. She only really cries when she wants food and if its not that reason Alex waddles straight over to her and cradles her. He really wants to pick her up but we have to stop him as it could be very dangerous. Dianne is still asleep upstairs and the kids are playing on the floor while I'm watching TV. I soon hear steps coming down the stairs. Dianne appears and straight away comes to sit on my lap, She snuggles up into my chest and I just enjoy the time with her. I soon notice Addison in her bouncer has fallen asleep and Alex has climbed onto the sofa to sleep with me. Dianne is asleep again so I just lau down with everyone on top of me and fall asleep myself.

Dianne's PoV
I woke up wrapped in Joes grip. We were on the sofa and I looked to the side of me to see Alex cuddled up to Addison in her bouncer. They looked so cute and peaceful so I took a picture and left them be. I must have woken Joe up though because he sat up bring me up with her.
"Hey Joseph"
"Hey baby"
"Look at our 2 kids. We made them"
"We did. Actually Di. I was thinking about how lucky I am to have all of you. It's funny isn't it?"
"What is?"
"That if I hadn't gone on strictly you would probably be married to Anthony, the guy you left me for" I said sarcastically.
"Joe! I told you I feel terrible about that. I knew shouldn't have left you. You are the best person in the world. But let's think of it this way. We might not have lasted and had our beautiful children we have now"
"I guess not. I'm so happy to call you my wife and the mother of my beautiful children"
"I love you Joseph"
"I love you too Di"
"It's weird, it's weird how the years come back to us now. I never want to lose you. Ever". I leaned down and kissed him. He kissed back and as if on cue our children woke up and started moaning.
"Ewww stop it Mummy and Daddy. Addi close your eyes". Me and Joe laughed and then sat back. This is it. This is all I wanted in life. I love my family, especially my handsome Husband. I'm so happy we met all those years ago. And I'm happy the years came back.

The End

So that's it. End of the first book. I'm so happy with how this book turned out and the fact I'm doing a sequel is unreal. Honestly everyone that has voted and read this book from day 1 I love you all. You are all amazing and the support has been amazing. Wouldn't be able to write this or have any motivation for it without everyone reading it. Thank you so much. And don't forget to check out the sequel "Forever Yours". Thank you for the title suggestion. Really hope you enjoyed this book and sorry for the last few chapters I know they weren't that great xx

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