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A bright blue flash appeared in the Hargreeve's living room, along with two figures. There's a bout of a silence before Diego speaks up, "Klaus where the fuck were you, and who's this?" He gave Klaus a look that was meant to be mean, but Klaus could see the worry under the hard exterior.
"Long story that I'm not in the mood to tell right now, but this is Dave," Klaus rushes out, before taking Dave's hand and taking him to his room. "Sorry about that, I didn't realize everyone would be here." Dave gave him a soft, understanding smile. Klaus had told him everything about his family before they left the war, so he wasn't expecting anything different.
"You have no reason to apologize, it's not your fault. But I do think it's time for a nap, I am beyond tired." Klaus nodded, and the two got in Klaus' bed and dreamed of what their life will be like now that they aren't fearing their lives everyday.
Fast forward a few months, and those dreams come true. The two lovebirds own a small yet homey apartment, far enough from the family to not get caught up in everything they do, but still close enough to visit when needed. Though not everything is perfect in Klaus' mind because he wants a small companion, something to play with when Dave is at work and he's feeling lonely. He wants to bring it up to Dave, but he's too scared to be told no since dave had been talking about wanting a dog. Klaus thought this over, and maybe too hard since he didn't notice his boyfriend walking in from work.
"You okay, Klaus?" Klaus looked up at him after snapping out of thought, and smiled up at him and nodded.
"Just thinking."
"What about?"
"Nothing, at least nothing important," Klaus looks up to Dave to see worry written across his face, "No no, it's nothing, it's just, I kind of want a cat. I know you want a dog, so I wasn't going to tell you. I just..." He kept rambling on about how he wanted Dave to be happier and to make the decision, until Dave kissed him to shut him up. Klaus looked down at his lap, until dave put his finger under his chin and made him look into his eyes.
"If that's what you want, then we can adopt one! You don't need to worry about me getting mad at you over something like this, or anything really. You're too cute to get mad at anyway," He brought his hand up the side of Klaus' face, and Klaus leaned into the touch. "And it's not like I hate cats, I just prefer dogs. But I can most definitely live with a cat if it makes you happy." They softly smiled at each other before going on with the rest of their night.
Throughout the rest of the week, they looked online and called many shelters, searching for the perfect one to adopt from. As the weekend rolled around, they found the one. "Diamonds in the Ruff, really Klaus?" Dave joked with klaus, but he could see how happy Klaus was to be adopting a furry friend (It would be nice to have one that isn't luther).
"Yes! They're no kill, and they had the cutest little kitten! She's a little brown tabby, and her name is Bertie!!" Klaus said with the biggest smile on his face. Dave was ecstatic to see his boy so happy.
Klaus visited the shelter and brought Bertie home while Dave was at work. He sat cross legged on the floor and opened the carrier, waiting for his new friend to come out. When she started making her way out, he gently whispered, "Hey, it's okay! I'm not gonna hurt you," He stuck out his hand, but she ran under the couch.
While he let Bertie become accustomed to the new space, Klaus set up her food and water bowls, and litter box. He also opened the toys her bought her, wondering if he could coax her out from under the furniture with them.
And that's exactly what he tried, sitting in front of the sofa, waving the feathered toy in front of her. She pounced out, and klaus gasped, not expecting it to actually work. He picked Bertie up, "You may just be cuter than Dave."
"What was that?" Klaus heard from the entrance to the apartment.
"Nothing, just talking to little Bertie!!" Dave walked in to the living room, who smiled as he saw Klaus and his new friend on the floor, playing with one of many toys Klaus had bought to spoil her. He took a seat next to Klaus, and put his head on his shoulder, watching Bertie go after a little pink mouse toy. Dave felt Klaus chuckle a little at the way the cat rolled around with the toy.
"I'm gonna go change, I'll be back in a sec." Dave stood up, and Klaus just grinned and nodded. As Dave went to change, Klaus stretched and yawned, going to the couch to lay down. He didn't notice how tired he actually was until he laid down. Bertie hopped up to join him, and curl up in his lap. He reached down, and pet her head until she started to purr.
When Dave walked out of the bedroom, he heard soft snores from the couch. He looked down on the couch and smiled, and he could feel his heart swell with how much love he had for the snoozing boy. He didn't want to bother either of the sleeping beings, so he grabbed some blankets and pillows from the bedroom, and made a makeshift sleeping bag on the floor for the night. Before going under the covers, he took one last look at his boy. He got comfortable, and went to sleep with a happy heart and Klaus on his mind, dreaming of what the two love birds could do tomorrow.

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