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there were many nights where klaus missed his siblings, and dave noticed the change in attitude every time. so when he saw this, he would take klaus' hand in the middle of the night, and run out to an open field. dave would lay out a blanket and lay down, gesturing for klaus to do the same. sneaking out of base to cuddle or something of the sort had become a norm for the boys. dave would pull klaus close, and klaus would lay his head on his chest, both looking up at the night sky. dave would tell klaus that everything would be okay, and that they would both make it no matter what, meaning klaus could see his family again. he would also point out that they were laid out under the same sky as his brother and sisters, hoping that would comfort klaus. and it did for the time being, until klaus' reoccurring worry that he would never see his siblings again came back.

this became a weekly thing for the boys, looking up at the sky and dave reminding klaus that he looked up at the same sky as his siblings did. he would hold his hand, kiss his forehead, or whisper sweet nothings. anything to calm him down enough for him to sleep peacefully.

this was the routine, up until that one day. the day klaus lost the one the only one he had truly loved more than himself. the one who cared for him, and taught him everything he had to know. the one who showed him what it was like to be truly loved. that same day, klaus took the briefcase that had brought him here, and opened it again to hopefully be taken anywhere better than here.

luckily, it landed him right where he wanted, back to the present. even after all those nights of missing his siblings, full of worry, he didn't even want to see them. what was he supposed to do when he saw the love of his life die in front of him, when he saw his life drain from his body like the blood from his wound? after that, spending time with his family felt like the last thing he wanted to do. and that why when he showed up at the hargreeves' mansion, he brushed off every question and went straight to his room, ignoring everyone calling his name.

he waited until everyone was fast asleep, grabbed a blanket and a joint, and went up to the roof. he felt the cool breeze as he laid his blanket out. he sat down, and lit the joint. klaus looked up at the sky, the same sky as he and dave and looked up at. the same one they had laid under for many nights, and shared many hugs and kisses. he took a long pull of the joint as all these memories came rushing back, he needed some relief from the hurt he felt. he just wished dave was the one to comfort him, and not the one he was missing.

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