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before today it had been small pecks in alleyways, and holding hands while no one is looking. but now, klaus and dave found themselves staying in a motel for the night. dave had noticed a change in klaus, and decided he would stay away from the camp for the night so they could talk.
as dave unlocked the door to room they were given when they checked in, he started to see symptoms of withdrawal in klaus. he didn't say anything yet, but smiled at him as he opened the door. klaus flopped on the firm bed, and let out a groan.
"I'll be back in a sec, hon!" dave called out to klaus as he went to the bathroom. he was concerned about klaus, he noticed the fatigue and anxiety. klaus was trying to get clean, dave recalls being told, but he didn't know how bad it truly was.
he came back into the room to see klaus curled up over the blankets, whispering to himself. he's seen the brunette talk in his sleep, but he never knew if there was a rhyme or reason to the whispers. as he stood in the doorway, he noticed klaus cover his ears and thrash around. his mother told him to never wake up someone who was having a nightmare, but his worry got the best of him as he sat on the side of the bed and put his hand on his shoulder. He began to shake him and call his name, but klaus couldn't tell the difference between the voices and dave, they all muddled together anyway. All of them chanting his name, and screaming was too much and he couldn't concentrate on who was who.
Dave became extremely worried when klaus wasn't waking up after being shaken, he knew that nightmares just became worse during withdrawals and he just didn't want to see his boy go through something like that. So he decided to lean him up against the headboard, hoping the new position or the movement would wake him up. But just as dave moved him, klaus' breathing picked up and became rapid. Dave continued to shake him, hoping he'd finally wake up.
Klaus finally opened his eyes, breathing heavily, tears brimming his eyes. He looked at Dave with a look a fear, and dave opened his arms and klaus took the opportunity to bury his head between his neck and shoulder, crying into his neck. Dave rubbed his back, trying to comfort the shaking boy. "They wouldn't stop dave, they wouldn't leave me alone. It's so bad, so so bad. I just want it to stop."
"Just breathe, in and out. I'm here for you, they aren't going to get you," Dave
could feel as Klaus began to shake less and he could feel his breaths get longer and more controlled. "How about we lay down, how does that sound?" Klaus just nodded, too worn out to say anything.
Dave shifted toward the center of the bed, never letting go of klaus. As dave laid
on his back, klaus set his head on dave's chest, listening to his heartbeat to calm him down. Klaus became distracted and didn't notice dave singing until he felt the vibrations run through his chest. He began to listen, and in a soft, golden voice he heard, "But I can't help falling in love with you." He smiled up at Dave, who was oblivious to the boy looking up at him, as he had gotten too into singing to klaus.
Nearing the end of the song, klaus mumbles along "Take my hand, take my whole life too." Dave feels him smile against his chest, and smiles as he finishes the song as klaus falls asleep with a smile on his face.

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