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(Play as much as you want you'll need it later in the story) 

"Hey Jungkook I brought- N-Namjoon!" Yoongi nearly yelled out, not really wanting to see him.
"Yoongi?" Namjoon said surprised, to see Yoongi.
"Uh, Hi" Yoongi said, not knowing what else to say. Namjoon opened the door as if telling him to come in.
"Um, I-I just wanted to, uh-"
"Yoongi!" A voice called out, Yoongi looked over Namjoon's shoulders to see Jungkook's head poking out from the couch.
"I brought the food I promised!" Yoongi spoke out which made everyone stop what they were doing.
"You can cook?!" They all asked except for Jungkook.
"Yeah, I can" Yoongi shyly replied.
"Then stay over for a bit" Jin suggested.
"Um" Yoongi was going to refuse until he saw Hung begging him to stay for a bit.
"Alright I'll stay" Yoongi said with a small smile and Jin noticed that Namjoon also smiled.

"What did you make?" Taehyung asked.
"Ramen, Kimichi, and Lamb skewers" Jungkook replied.
"How do you know?" Taehyung asked.
"I uh, I can smell it!" Jungkook quickly replied as everyone sat down at the table, except for Yoongi.
"You're not gonna eat with us?" Hoseok asked.
"No, I already ate" Yoongi explained, before going to the couch. Everyone grabbed their plate and sat with Yoongi,  Namjoon sitting next to him.
"No we can eat here too" Taehyung said.
"What are we going to do-"
"Horror game!" Taehyung and Jungkook yelled putting aside their food as one of them grabbed the remote before Yoongi got it.
"Fine" Yoongi said pouting as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah?" Yoongi asked hoping that Namjoon would possible tell him something!
"How's your wrist?"
"... What?..."
"Is your wrist broken?"
"Oh, no, but it almost was, I just can move it a lot" Yoongi explained trying to hold back the urge to cry and to ask Namjoon to tell him what's going on.
"I'm sorry..."
"It's fine" Yoongi replied continuing to hold back his curiosity, bad thought and tears but failed.
"Yeah?" Namjoon quickly replied while looking up at Yoongi only to see some tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Wh-Why did you grab my hand so hard? I-I asked you to let go, but y-you didn't" Yoongi asked tearfully which instantly caught the others attention, knowing what Yoongi wanted to know. But felt bad because they couldn't tell him.
"I" Namjoon started which brought Yoongi's hopes up, that maybe he would able to help Namjoon with what ever was bothering him.
"I can't tell you, Yoongi" Namjoon answered which crushed Yoongi's hope and heart.

The others could see how disappointed Yoongi was with Namjoon's answer.
"Why?" Yoongi softly asked in an  unaudioble voice.
"What happened?" Namjoon asked because he couldn't understand what Yoongi had said.
"Why... Why! Why won't you tell me anything?!" Yoongi asked frustrated as he stood up, to look at Namjoon.
"Why do you tell the others why you feel bothered or upset! But when- when I ask you- you don't tell me anything! I can tell that something is bothering you!" Yoongi cried out as tears formed and rolled down his face. Namjoon and tried to hug or calm Yoongi down but-
"Don't!" Yoongi yelled as he moved Namjoon's hand away.
"Yoongi, I just can't tell you" Namjoon replied.
"Why, aren't we friends?!" Yoongi questioned.
"Yes we are!" Namjoon yelled as he saw Yoongi cry frustration and confusion taking over.
"Then why don't you tell me anything!"
"Because I don't want you to know!"
"So then we aren't friends?!"
"We are!"
"No! Am I not-" Before Yoongi could finish, he felt his cheek slowly burning. Yoongi looked at Namjoon while he slowly placed his hand trying to process what happened. When Yoongi touched his cheek he felt instant pain.
"Did-Did you, hit me?" Yoongi asked not knowing what the hell happened.
"Yeah! I did!" Namjoon yelled, Yoongi's eyes formed more tears as he quickly, but angerly walked towards the door. Namjoon noticed this.
"Where the hell are you going?!"
"Anywhere! Away from you!" Yoongi yelled as he walked away, not closing the door but walked back to Chan-hee's room.

Yoongi opened the door and closed it as his back slid down the door. With Yoongi's knees up to his chest he let out all his anger, hate and frustration by crying. Chan-hee and Lul heard the crying and walked well more like ran to Yoongi. They saw Yoongi crying, knees to his chest, hair a mess, arms around his legs.
"Yoongi what's wrong?"
"I-I" Yoongi didn't finish until he chocked on his tears.
"Yoongi, look at me" Chan-hee said in a serious tone and when Yoongi looked up at chan-hee, she was a red, hand mark, slapped on Yoongi's face.
"Who hit you?" Lul asked. Yoongi just lowered his head in response.
"Was it one of your friends?" Chan-hee asked, but Yoongi didn't answer. When chan-hee moved away Yoongi saw her putting on her shoes when he looked up.
"Wh-Where are you going?"
"To look for your friends hotel room number"
"Why not?"
"I, It's okay, Im fine, see" Yoongi said smiling, enduring the pain on his cheek.
"Who hit you?"
"If you tell me, I won't look for their hotel number"
"Namjoon" Yoongi replied.

"Oh, my god!  Why would he- Ugh!" Lul yelled before storming out of the hotel room so Yoongi quickly followed with Chan-hee behind him. When Yoongi ran down the stairs after lul he got tired so slowed down and when he opened the fourth floor stair case door he saw his hotel room door open.
"No..." Yoongi told him self before running to the room. When Yoongi entered the room he saw Lul yelling at Namjoon and the others.
"Lul I'm fine, let's go" Yoongi said but Lul ignored him.

Yoongi grabbed Lul's wrist to take her away, but Namjoon noticed and removed Yoongi's hand. Chan-hee saw this, and grabbed Lul since Yoongi couldn't, for reasons.
"What are you-"
"Leave it Lul, this is between Yoongi and Namjoon, we shouldn't butt in"
"But he-"
"I know, I said leave it, let them solve it" Chan-hee yelled as he dragged Lul away with Yoongi right behind her.
"If you want you can get your things tomorrow, and stay with us until things clear up if you want"
"Alright thanks" Yoongi replied as they continued to walk away back to Chan-hee's hotel.

I'm. So. Sorry. For. A. Late. Update.
I'm trying to squeeeeeeeeze wattpad into my day but always ends up last. I'm sorry but hey! Spring break is coming and I will be able to update more with some SURPRISES IN THEM to if u know what I mean ha!  Anyways ima work on the next chapter.
A. Shooky

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