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When Namjoon and Yoongi (who is still on Namjoon's shoulders)  got to Yoongi's house Namjoon opened the door and sat Yoongi down on the couch and closed the door.
"Namjoon you didn't have to carry me all the way home I can walk!"
"I know bu-" Before Namjoon could finish he saw Yoongi's Mom peeping from behind the wall.
"Let's talk in your room"
"Why-Oh okay" Yoongi then stood up and walked towards his room with Namjoon. Yoongi sat down on his bed and Namjoon sat at Yoongi's desk.
"Okay so, why?"
"I don't have a good feeling about Min-Jae"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, but I don't want you talking to him- Wait better yet I don't want you near him!"
"Well, what if I don't wanna listen"
"Then I'll punish you" Namjoon said and Yoongi felt his face burn up.
"Do you understand?"
It was quiet for a few seconds until there was knocking on Yoongi's bedroom door.
"It's time to eat"
"Okay" Yoongi said and went down stairs to the kitchen with Namjoon.

When the three sat down at the table Yoongi's mom started a "conversation" with Yoongi.
"So Yoongi"
"Where's your backpack?"
"And I tried calling your phone, but you never answered, why is that?"
"Well- umm... I-Well you see..."
"Well?" Yoongi's mother asked and Yoongi didn't know how to tell his mom that some girls stole his backpack with his phone inside and that he some how got popular by being in a popular boy group at school, and that they have a bunch of fans that will try to cut your hair to show everyone else that you got close to them (plz don't do in real life😂 it's a fan fiction so anything happens here😂) 
"Oh and Namjoon?"
"Where is your backpack?"
"Oh well you see remember when Yoongi yelled this morning"
"Well some girls from our school track team took Yoongi's backpack and the phone that was Inside"
"Oh, but what happened to your backpack?"
"I left it outside you gate to get Yoongi but then I heard "Quiet" Laugher from behind, so I turned around to see my backpack being taken away"
"Oh well be careful with your things or else their gonna be stolen, especially you Yoongi"
"You leave things every where so it's most likely that your stuff is gonna get taken first" Yoongi's mother said while staring at Yoongi.

-The next day-

Yoongi walked to school and went to class (without a backpack so he was gonna have to ask his classmates if he could use some supplies)  and sat down at his seat. Yoongi laid his head on the table until something was placed on his desk with force, Yoongi looked up to see....

Sorry for the cliffhanger but who do you think Yoongi saw when he looked up? 💜

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