will delete later (haha thats a lie i wont)

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hi everyone!! please check out my book Red Water! it's a good omens fic and it will be posted on September 18th, 2019! here's some details :) fair warning, there may be some violence and gruesome details, so if you're sensitive about that then please read with caution, or don't read at all.


Madame Tracy, 61 years old, deceased.

She was found dead in a pool with slits of the wrist on a quiet Monday morning. There was a blow to the head, as if she had hit her head on the cement before tumbling in. The police would have played it off as a suicide attempt if it wasn't for the cameras going black between 5:34am and 5:47am, or if a glove that was way too big for her hand wasn't laying underneath a pool chair. With those two factors, police started an investigation to find out who was the cause of poor Madame Tracy's death. Little did they know, the answer was right beneath their noses.

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