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a/n: sorry this took so long to make lol


It was graduation, which meant a solid year since Michael and Jeremy had gotten together (aka the final car scene). Jeremy was ahead of Michael in the alphabetical lineup, but they made eye contact throughout the crowd of antsy teenagers ready to be done with the hell that is high school (for those going into high school soon, it's really not that bad, this is just hyperbole).

Michael grinned widely as he and Jeremy made eye contact, the brunette smiled sheepishly and waving over at his boyfriend. Right as he did that, the person in front of him started walking, so Jeremy did too. The content look on his face turned into a gut wrenching ball of nerves once he started walking towards the stage. Michael gave him a thumbs up, then the brunet was off.

Once Jeremy walked across the stage and got his diploma, Michael (his dad was a close second) was his loudest supporter, and Jeremy was Michael's when the time came (along with Michael's mom and Rich).


After the ceremony, and the graduates were saying goodbye to their family before the afterparty. Michael and Jeremy spotted each other immediately and ran over to each other, embracing tightly once they could reach.

"We did it!" Michael exclaimed, "We graduated!"

Jeremy started laughing, "We did!" He replied, "Now we're free! Now we can be the cool guys in college, man!" He said as the two pulled back

"That's so weird." The Filipino commented, pushing his hair back, "We're no longer seniors!"

"Incoming!" A distant voice said, and Michael was suddenly met with the impact of a 5'5" blonde hopping on his back, "We're old now, Mike!" Rich exclaimed, making his way off of the taller male.

"We are!" Michael straightened his back so the blonde could roll off.

With fully healed legs, Jake Dillinger walked in from the distance. Rich's face lit up as he caught sight of the brunette, body perking up and lips forming a small smile. Jeremy and Michael while being entangled with each other (arm wrapped around the others back waist idek lol) both stared in Rich's direction.

"Go get that bread." Michael said, Jeremy snickering afterwards

"Yeet the wheat." Rich winked, then walked off.


"How do you feel?" Christine was talking to Jeremy. Michael was off visiting with a stoner buddy he'd met earlier that year, so Jeremy was flying solo, "All graduated and stuff," she clenched her teeth, "pretty crazy!"

"I know!" Jeremy ran his fingers through his hair, "It's really weird. Like, we're not going to high school on a Monday ever again. That's. . . So relieving!"

"It is,' Christine grinned widely, "that just means a new chapter in our lives! High school was really fun, but it's weird to know we're not going back."

"Well for what it's worth, I think you'll have a great time in college. . Maybe even more than you've had here at Middleborough." Jeremy's shoulders bounced softly.

"Maybe! I'm excited. . But I'm kind of sad that I have to leave Mr. Reyes though. He's always been. . . A character." She paused and cleared her throat, "I don't have to smell like Hot Pockets anymore though! That's a plus."

Jeremy laughed softly, "I guess you're right. Now I don't have to smell like processed ham and cheese all the time."

"Things are looking good already! I can already see it. . A future with arts, no Hot Pockets, a bunch of people who genuinely share the same interests as you do. . . It's scary, but I'm excited for it."

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