Chapter 12

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I only said that I liked Louis' mums weird breakfast I don't even know why Louis shouted at me. He's been acting quite strange lately, he's always been ignoring me actually, like when he sees me he just looks away from me. We are best friends, I don't even know if that's true friendship right?

As we all came out of Louis' house, I had no idea what to do, what to say and what to even talk about. I was just worrying about that note and that doll from last night. Niall came and patted my back "what are you doing Niall?" I asked quietly "oh just being friendly!" He smiled I knew he had something to tell me because he always acts like that when he's got something to say "Niall, what is this secret?" I asked crossing my arms "fine I'll tell you, last night Louis and Zayn thought it would be funny to get a doll and write a note to scare you" he said sighing "Niall is this true? I can't believe it!" I said putting my hand on my face feeling tears come from my green shiny eyes "yes Harry yes I heard them whispering while watching that movie I was pretending to sleep so I could hear every single detail." Niall said calmly Liam came over and gave me a smile "are you ok Harold?" Liam said trying to make me happy "no not really" I sighed "Liam, you know Louis and Zayn pranked Harry last night?" Niall whispered loudly so I could hear "FOR GOD SAKE THOSE LITTLE HOOLIGANS!!" Liam shouted so everyone could hear him. "What you gonna do Harry?" Niall asked "yeah what are you doing now?" Liam asked aswell "Uhm, Uhm,Uhm I don't know..." I said confused. I felt nervous about this, I just can't believe Louis would do such a thing to me? I began to get really bad chest pains while I was feeling sick, my face went green everyone stared at me while we were walking by the houses "Harry your face has gone green? Do you know that?" Liam asked "why the heck is your face green Harold?" Zayn asked by laughing and Louis giggling in the background like a little 12 year old "I feel sick" I said softly "awh poor baby!" Louis giggled while whispering to Zayn. I felt upset that Louis and Zayn we're making fun of me and scaring me because there suppose to be my friends there not even trying to be true friends. True friends are supposed to support you and be nice and caring like Niall and Liam!

As it came near lunch, we went to nandos nialls favourite place and of course he was the one who wanted to go there all the rest wanted to go to mcdonalds and KFC but we already went to KFC last night and mcdonalds were too inbarresing because people from school were there. As we got to nandos Niall were licking his lips smiling at the ceiling "what are you doing Niall? Liam asked "oh just admiring Nandos ceiling it's so brown and beautiful!" Niall smiled "bless you Niall" Liam smiled. The waiter was near the entrance with menus in his hand "table for what?" The waiter said rudely "table for 5 can you count?" Liam said loudly holding the number 5 on his fingers "excuse me sir, do not correct me!" The waiter said angrily crossing his arms, rolling his eyes "you were rude to us so I'm being rude back" Liam argued "if you carry on arguing I will have to ask you to leave!" The waiter said crossing his arms tapping his feet. "SIR I'M STARVING SO GIVE US A FLIPPING TABLE NOW BEFORE I SUE!!!" Niall shouted agressively "fine you little idiots!" The waiter sighed "Yay!" Niall smiled with a clap.

As we got to are table Louis did not even say a word to me, he was like ignoring me everyday it should of been me ignoring him because he's the one who's been playing pranks on me. I carefully took a menu and opened it to see what was on there I had no idea what to get I licked my lips trying to think which one looked the nicest. Soon I finally picked chicken a chips (fries) with a glass of coke. Everyone else got the same apart from Louis and Zayn they got chicken nuggets and chips but we all got the same drink. I looked at Niall seeing him doing the kids colouring book "oh Niall!" I laughed with joy "yes I always do them" Niall grinned at me then Liam gave a thumbs up with a massive grin on his face I had no idea why though. A waitress came to the table thank god it wasn't that rude waiter because Liam would have problems. She had blonde straight hair who looked quite young to work here, she looked younger than us. "Wow she one fine chicken lady!" Niall shouted out loud so she could hear it "niall..." I whispered "Niall you just inbarrested your self!" Liam whispered with a red face looking like a giant strawberry. "Oops, I get excited when I go to Nandos" Niall smiled. "Awh, that's so sweet!" The waitress smiled "she likes me, she really likes me!" Niall whispered with a great big grin on his face. "So what would you guys like?" She said politely "well can we have 2 chicken nuggets and chips and 3 chicken breasts with chips please" Liam said smiling "and do you want any drinks?" She asked "Yes, 5 diet cokes please" Liam smiled with his thumbs up, the waitress just laughed at us. Louis and Zayn were so quiet at the table they hardly speaked I were just wondering what they were thinking about?

Thanks for reading this part I hope you've enjoyed it, yes there is alot of funny drama in this one bye

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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