Chapter 3: Saved

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Michelle's P.O.V

I watched Georgie dart off and felt panic strike me. I watched the white tomcat's tail disappear into the bush. Eaglefur and Shadowsky swiftly pursued the albino and I felt hope, with the two strong toms gone, they had a chance of fighting. She glanced at Drizzleleaf who had moved to the front of the group, a sneer on his maw. As I glanced at Micheal and saw the same fiery expression in his eyes. He had the same idea and we braced ourselves. As soon as the tomcat was in the right position, I pounced. Because I am definitely not accustomed to being a cat, I almost missed. I miss-thought my trajectory and just caught his side. The tom snarled and turned but Michael was ready. The brown tabby tom lashed out a white paw and knocked Drizzleleaf off balance, you don't need training as a cat to know basics.

I struggled but unsheathed my claws, shakily lashing them at the tom's head. Drizzleleaf pounced on Michael, pinning the brown tabby down. At that moment, Frostleaf leapt at me. The white furred shecat with black ears, paws and tail tip slashed at my head. I felt pain erupt through my head and I let out a screech. It felt like the ultimate migrane, and that's super painful. I stepped back and saw as the she approached, a hungry gleam in her eyes. I saw crimson drip down and cloud my vision. I closed my eyes and leapt forth in blind rage, slashing.

My claws frayed everywhere and I saw a flash of white fur get caught in my claws. I watched as the she was sent winding backwards, yelping as she limped. I had caught her shoulder and side.

Sticky red blood trickled onto her once neat white pelt. I felt a satisfied smirk grow but it was stopped as a pounding started in my head, excruciating pain thumping through my mind. I snarled and took a step away, voices whispering as someone barrelled into me. I didn't care as long as the pain stopped. I felt claws tear at my back. The claws ripped at my spine and I screamed.

A blow hit the top of my head and I dropped. Suddenly, the weight on me was lifted. I flickered my eyes open to see Michael standing over me, worry in his eyes.

Behind him I saw the cats all fighting, growing to their new feline bodies. I recognised the gingerish blonde fur that was Sophie. The slender she was slashing at Drizzleleaf, hissing insults like 'I'm going to knock you wonky you little rat' and 'I'll tear you limb from limb you dorky little freak!'

I felt a grin force its way onto my maw as I slipped into darkness, pain gripping me...

Bluefire's P.O.V

I crouched in a bush, watching the scene unfold. My clan-mates were beside me. I was ready to pounce but we needed to wait until the right time. As soon as the blondish ginger struck Drizzleleaf's head and sent him driving back, we pounced.

I rushed and jumped, pinning Drizzleleaf down on the grass. I flicked my tail and the she-cat darted off, muttering some harsh insults that I haven't ever heard of before.

"Get off our territory you Streamclan you piece of rabbit dung" I snarled, snapping at his ear. I punctured a hole and he yelped, a sneer on my maw.

"We are no-" He started but stopped and looked around at the moor in horror.

"Oh yes you are, and Swallowstar will hear about this" I snapped back. "Now scram back to Salmonstar you pathetic little thing!"

I let him go, lashing my tail as the tom darted, scared for his life. A grin formed on my lips as the Streamclanners fled with their tails between their legs. I turned to the bleeding hostages.

One of them lay with blood trailing over her eye and blinding her. I flicked my tail signalling for Leopardsong and Ivysplash to go and aid the shecat. I padded over to the blonde she that had been fighting Drizzleleaf. She looked up at me from where she sat.

"Hello young one" I meowed and she flinched as if I was the one who was about to hit her.

"Who are you?" She meowed and I smiled.

"My name is Bluefire" I told her and she untensed a little. "What is your name?"

"I am Sophie" The blonde she panted "Nice to meet you Bluefire"

I was about to ask about why those Streamclan fleas were holding them hostage when Amberflash, the deputy, and Stolenlight, the medicine cat, padded over. The stone grey tom with white paws that got darker and darker up the leg until it was dark grey was Stolenlight. He had deep emerald green eyes and was rather snappy. The grey tom strode over to the she on the ground with blood in her eyes and Leopardsong by her side.

"What is the meaning of this Bluefire?" The deputy hissed.

Amberflash is my sister. Well, if you can call that little sheep-tick kin. She had always been looking for ways to get my kicked out of the clan. She wants me exiled so I can't say of her forbidden love with a Streamclan-mossball. I scowled at the ginger shecat.

"Streamclan were trespassing with hostages." I snapped back, my eyes sparkling with delight as the shecat scowled, looking away and not meeting my gaze.

Sophie blinked as she watched us, her gaze held cautiously on Amberflash. The blonde shecat shuffled her paws, glancing at me. I could feel the tension and obviously, Sophie was feeling very awkward.

"Hn" The shecat hissed and strode away, head held high.

"She seems.... Nice" Sophie meowed, looking down to the floor, shuffling her paws.

"She is the deputy of Galeclan, she will warm eventually" I mewed, practically lying through my smile. Amberflash only warms up to cats like Blizzardfrost. He was the Streamclan medicine cat but they were having what Twolegs call, an affair. It was only a matter of time before they get caught in the act.

"We should get these rogues back to camp" Amberflash spat and strode off, her tail lashing behind her. There was no way that that flea bitten ginger she could be leader. I frowned as I helped Sophie walk along. Fighting a strong warrior seemed to be quite a struggle for these cats and Sophie here did very well.

"Sorry boss" Sophie muttered, scowling at the back of Amberflash's head. I giggled and the blonde she glanced at me, grinning.

"I think that we are going to be great friends!" Sophie purred, giving me a closed-eye smile.

"So do I!" I chirped, smiling at the feline.


What does everyone think of ma story so far? :D

I can't wait for some of the good drama to start. No story is complete without drama :D >:D

Oh well, I'll get Sophie's pic up next :D

If you enjoyed,





~ x_clearwater_x

Warriors: Changing, Book #1: Rising SunWhere stories live. Discover now