Chapter 2: Run and Hide

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{Picture of Georgie up there :D Michael is up next :) }

Georgie's P.O.V

I allowed myself to be ushered along the forest. I opened my maw, drinking the scents in. It was so hard to be a furry feline but I wound up being an awesome learner, probably be able to outrun a mountain lion.... Well that's a bit extreme but I could run quite fast. I was one of the fastest boys in my year so it was obvious I'll be fast as a cat. Even faster.

I looked up. If only there was a way to escape. I glanced over to my left and saw that Drizzleleaf was there. I muttered about him being a stupid idiot and looked to my right. There was a gap. Shadowsky was behind Michelle and had his burning gold eyes fixed on me. He suspected someone to try and do a runner. But I wasn't going to try. I was going to get away.

I prepared myself, glancing at Michelle and Michael, silently bidding them farewell, then looked back to my opening. It was to be timed. When Shadowsky was distracted.


I bunched my muscles up and was getting ready to dart off, not to be held hostage by these mangy furballs.


Drizzleleaf looked at Shadowsky and called his name.


I felt Shadowsky look away and it was time...


Everything seemed to happen so fast. I leapt forwards, over Fiona who was a girl in Joe's class, and darted for the dense bushes. I immediately heard pounding pawsteps and felt my heart flutter. My white tail lashed out behind me as I ran, panic flaring in my eyes.

The bush was a meter away and I needed to escape. I pounced and landed over the bush. It wasn't the end and I glanced over my shoulder, still running. Shadowsky and Eaglefur.

It was a big mistake to look back. Eaglefur dashed forwards, lashing an unsheathed claw out at my chest. I jumped back in shock as a mischievous grin on his maw. I turned and ran on, intent on getting away from that crazy tomcat.

I soon reached a part where there was the stream again but here it was larger. A river. I gasped and I splashed a paw into it. The water was icy and I felt shock numb my paw on contact. There was a fallen log over the stream and I headed straight for it, springing up and unsheathing my claw's ,embedding them in the soft slippery bark.

I heard a large creature erupt from the undergrowth and flinched, quickening my pace. As soon as I was on the over side, Shadowsky was a quarter of the log away from me. I went to run but merely head-butted a large tomcat.

"What is this?" He sneered, looking at the smokey grey tom who had frozen in utter fear,

"Trespassers?" A female mew sounded, it was sickly sweet and I stopped myself from quivering. These cats were crazy. Loopy. Nut cases.

"Well Shadowsky. Eaglefur. Get lost. Go on scram. Crayon will learn of this" the tom I had ran into snapped and the muscular tom fled, tail between his legs.

I dared to open my blood red eyes and saw a large wild cat. Yes a wildcat. It was a serval I think. My form tutor, Miss Osara, told me about them.

"Hello young one. Welcome to the Haven. We are a group of cats who live in their own territory." The serval said, dipping his head. "we accept any animal, even owls and dogs. Wildcats and so many more. My name is Thunder. This is Rune and Earthquake"

My gaze turned to the other animals. Rune was a rusty brown she cat. Normal cat. Her eyes were a bright purple colour and she had brown tabby markings.

I looked around and almost let out a shreak. There stood a large brown grizzly bear, grinning toothily at me. He had bright emerald green eyes and white spots like freckles. Earthquake had darker brown shatter-like markings which was probably the origin of his name as it looked as if there was an earthquake on his fur.

I gulped at they beamed at me, my red eyes shimmering with uncertainty. Should I go with these.... animals? I gulped again and decided to go. It would be better that going back to that loser Shadowsky. Then again, what cat wouldn't be afraid of a giant Grizzly Bear called Earthquake.

I looked up and met Thunder's gaze, curiosity dancing in his eyes. I shifted my paws as I glanced at Rune and Earthquake then back to Thunder, waiting for one of them to say something.

Thunder's P.O.V

I watched Georgie as his crimson gaze flickered from me to Rune to Earthquake. He was clearly nervous. You could see it in his eyes.

"Well Georgie, we should get back to the Haven" I mewed. Alarm flickered in Rune's eyes.

Timidly, the albino tomcat nodded. Rune muttered something to Earthquake and the large grizzly bear nodded, shooting my an annoyed glare. It was against the law to let outsiders into the Haven, but it's a Haven for those who need it. And it was clear that the young tom infront of me needed it. He had no home by the look of it.

I flicked my tail and started to walk off, noticing Earthquake and Rune sharing uneasy glances before following. Georgie blinked and hesitated for a moment before shaking his head and pursued. All four of us disappeared into the undergrowth, getting engulfed in the shadows.


We entered a clearing dotted with all sorts of animals. There were trees surrounding the clearing and the Great Caverns were circling the camp. Near the outskirt of the camp was a large tree stump with a hollow underneath and roots. It had been bound with holly and thistles. That was where prisoners were kept.

There was a large boulder where the leader announced things Things and Ranks were a lot different than clans.

I felt someome brush against me and looked over to see Flora, the red panda. She wore a cheeky expression as she winked at me and leapt up onto my shoulder.

Georgie stared in mild confusion, obviously trying to piece together this place, its inhabitants and me. I smiled at him and Flora spoke up.

"Hiya little albino feline" The red panda chittered. "I'm Flora, welcome to the Haven."

"Umm" Georgie hesitated before speaking. "I'm Georgie."

"Cool!" She trilled.

Rune cringed at the red panda excitement and bounciness. All I knew was that Georgie would love it there...

Warriors: Changing, Book #1: Rising SunWhere stories live. Discover now