Chapter 4: Running and Waiting

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Micheal's P.O.V

I padded alongside my friend, Callum. My gaze flicked from every cat tap hat had jumped to help us. There was something off about it but I couldn't pinpoint it. I saw Sophie talking to a grey shecat with darker grey bands around her tail. A scowl formed and I looked away. For all we knew, these cats could be plotting to kill us or something.

"Chill out a bit dude" Callum mewed and I turned my attention to him.

"I can't. These cats might kill us and look what they-" I started but he interrupted.

"Yeah I know 'what they did to Michelle'" He mewed and I rolled my eyes, "these cats just saved us, isn't that enough for you?!"

The snappiness in his tone settle it. That conversation was over. I sighed and looked at his fur.

Callum was a dark grey mackerel tabby with a white chin, throat, chest, stomach and paws. His eyes were a greenish gold colour. He had quite long legs and a long tail that lashed side to side.

The shecat at the front was a stuck up looking she. She was ginger and kept looking over her shoulder and frowning, copper eyes narrowed. I scowled at her. She looked like a rude feline. The expressions she pulled on her face made me want to claw her ears. I let out a growl and looked down and Callum shot me a glare.

"Jeez, sorry boss" I hissed and it was Callum's turn to roll his eyes.

I smirked and looked straight ahead. There were no trees here. Strange, it was like an open moorland... Wait. It is an open moorland. I mentally face palmed and looked around. There was open space for miles and miles. The sound of chatter nearby and a stream neared. I wanted to run free in the space but that snooty looking ginger cat would probably throw a hissy fit or something.

I sighed and cast my gaze to the sky. The cyan sky was dotted with some white clouds and the bright sun beated down, warming my pelt. I smiled, closing my eyes and basking in the light while walking. It was so delightful. These cats had it cool.

Suddenly, a unfamiliar scent hit me. I looked around, trying to find it. My gaze fell on a plump white thing. I broke from the group and padded over, ignoring Callum's hisses of protest. I heard pawsteps and scented the mackerel tabby perusing me. If I got in trouble, he would to. That was our little agreement, bros forever. I got as close as possible and crouched, sniffing. I tilted my brown tabby head and crept closer.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"A rabbit" Callum muttered, delight in his eyes "I've never been so close to one without it biting me."

I looked at my friend with concern. He had been bitten by a rabbit?! What the tail? Who gets bitten by a rabbit?

We crept closer until we was about a meter away, watching the snowy white little creature snuffle in the tall grass.

"PREY STEALERS!" A shriek sounded. Callum and I jumped about five meters into the air, out of our skin.

We whirled around to come nose to nose with a white shecat. She had one green eye and one blue. There was a small black tom with a white chest and amber eyes by her side.

"What clan are you from?!" The she snarled, striding forward.

"Umm" Callum started. We hadn't been told what clan we were travelling to.

The group's scent was still close. We could make it if we sprinted. Callum had the same idea cause his muscles were bunched up and ready. He lashed his tail three times and we darted, leaping over the two cats.

I ran as fast as a bird flies. Wind rushed around me and I felt alive. These moors were like my home now. I loved the open space. My paws pounds he dirt and I let out a whoop, speeding past Callum who was grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

We saw the group had turned and were watching us. Sophie was laughing and cheering us on when others shook their heads. That snooty leader cat had a frown on her face and she bounded over. Callum and I skidded to a halt, panting and grinning from ear to ear.

"What do you thing your doing?!" The ginger she snarled and he turned to her with a grin.

"Running" We meowed at the same time.

The she cat and tom we were running from came a few seconds after, leaping at us. Callum and I ducked just into time, sending the she and tom crashing to the ground.

"Enough of this" the ginger cat snarled and the white she got to her paws.

"Amberflash, we have found these trespassers." The white she meowed and the black tom nodded.

"They were with us" Amberflash meowed, rolling her eyes "good job anyway Snowblossom. Go and continue training Ravenpaw."

"Okay Amberflash" the white she called Snowblossom meowed.

Snowblossom stalked away with Ravenpaw at her heels. I smirked at Callum and we followed in pursuit of the cats. This was going to be fun...

Georgie's P.O.V

I watched and listened as the red panda chitter to me all about the Haven life. They had a strange ranking system. It was kittens, cubs and pups. Then Mothers, then old ones, then learners. There are four different types of learner, Hunter, Fighter, Guard and Medic. Then there was Hunters, Fighters, Guards and Medics. Then there are co-head Hunters, Fighters  Guards. and Medics. Head Hunters, Fighters, Guards and Medics are next. The there is generals and battlemasters.

There is the Co-deputies, those who are legible to become deputy next and are training for it. Then Deputies and Leaders.

A lot of ranks huh. I would be able to be a learner. I also found out that Grizzly is a Co-head Guard, Rune is a Fighter and Thunder is a Battlemaster. Awesome huh?

Flora is a Hunter and is training a raccoon called Calais. He is a quiet little one who experienced and almost a full Hunter. Flora went on ans on about how proud she was. I smiled and nodded as she waffled on and on about it. I just smiled.

As I looked up, I noticed Thunder smirking at me. He must be overjoyed that Flora isn't chewing his own ear off. I scowled and shot the serval battlemaster a sharp glare, eyes narrowed in annoyance.

I heard a rumble of laughter and rolled my eyes, flicking my white tail.

I was waiting for their leader, Crayon, to return so he could confirm my stay.  The deputy was a Smokey grey she with a metal leg from an accident. She was hit by a car and humans, ahem, I mean Twolegs, took her to a vet to fix her leg.

She was called Security because she used to belong to a security guy. Anyway, at that moment Security padded over, a clink clack sound as she watched from her metal paw.

"Crayon will be back soon with Puddle and Fungi." She informed me and I nodded, smiling softly.

The smokey tabby nodded and padded away with a clink, smiling softly.

I wondered what would happen if Crayon rejected him...

Warriors: Changing, Book #1: Rising SunWhere stories live. Discover now