Chapter 6 : Mentors and Medicine Cats

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(Pic of Michael up there. Ignore the part where it says Owlfeather XD)

Michelle/Heatherpaw's P.O.V

"You shall be called Heatherpaw" Swallowstar meowed, his gaze fixed on me "Rabbittail, you have passed your expertise down to Snowblossom" the black and white furred leader looked at the white she with different coloured eyes before continuing "Hopefully you will pass these skills to young Heatherpaw."

The creamy furred bob tailed tom trotted up to me and we touched noses. I flicked my ear as I heard him mutter 'I will not fail you Sunpaw. It won't be the same'. My mind was whirling. Who was Sunpaw?

I broke from my thoughts as the tomcat stepped back and Galeclan started yowling out my name, grins and scowls alike were all celebrating in a new cat's naming. I smiled warmly as I padded to Callum and Michael, Darkpaw and Thornpaw. Thornpaw grinned goofily at me, brown tail swishing. I looked him over with my violet eyes. He was a brown tabby with white paws. Like me but I was slightly darker and had a white muzzle. His eyes were a bright green colour.

Darkpaw was a dark grey mackerel tabby with a white chin, throat, chest, stomach and paws. His eyes were a vibrant but dull greenish gold colour. He had long legs and a exceptionally long tail that lashed side to side like a whip.

"Hey Heatherpaw" Darkpaw meowed in unison with Thornpaw.

"Hi Thornpaw, Darkpaw" I said, the strange names rolling off my tongue. My eyes narrowed but they settled when a familiar cat padded over.

I looked around to see Sophie bouncing over. She had been given the name Dawnpaw and was mentored by Bluefire. Those two bonded as we travelled through Galeclan. Bluefire trotted a metre behind her, talking to Rabbittail.

"Hiya guys!" Dawnpaw chirped. I smiled and waved my tail in greeting. The two toms nodded to her.

My violet gaze fell on a gash that Drizzleleaf had inflicted. I winced and she followed my eyes. The blonde she's ears flattened slightly.

"I was coming to ask you to come explore with me" she meowed, averting her gaze from mine.

"You are getting healed first." I told her sternly, turning to Bluefire and Rabbittail. "Where is the healers den"

"Medicine cats den" Dawnpaw chipped in and I shot her a swiftly glare.

"Over there" Bluefire meowed, flicking her tail in the direction of a tunnel that had marigold and foxglove growing from it.

"Okay, come on Dawnpaw" I mewed, another foreign name slipping off my tongue like butter.

She whimpered but pursued me to the tunnel. As we walking in, the scent of herbs was overwhelming, it reminded me of one of those hippy tents with the herbal smells and things inside. I cringed but dipped my head as a tom came to us.

My eyes narrowed when I saw it wasn't Stolenlight. A dark brown tabby with some lighter patches and some white fur tips came out. His green eyes flashed with curiosity.

"Heatherpaw and Dawnpaw right?" He mewed, tilting his head.

"Yup, I'm Dawnpaw. Nice to meet you" Dawnpaw mewed and when I looked at her, she practically had hearts in her eyes.

"Well I'm Moorpaw" the tom mewed, nodding to Dawnpaw but ignoring the love in her eyes. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Well Dawnpaw got a gash from the little fight we had." I explained.

The brown tom nodded and turned, padding through some vines. He flicked his tail so we would follow. I glanced at Dawnpaw who was grinning from ear to ear. Stupid best friend.

We followed and came into a section were there was holes in the walls. I looked in some and saw leaves, flowers and all sorts of herbs. I peered into one and saw some blood red berries. They looked an awful lot like yew but I could tell they weren't.

" Fireberries" I heard a gruff mew and looked over my shoulder at the grey medicine cat.

"What?" I asked looking from the tom to the berries.

"They are called Fireberries. They give the consumer a long and painful death, unlike death berries. Deathberries kill quicker" Stolenlight explained before turning and padding to where Dawnpaw and Moorpaw were.

I narrowed my eyes before following. I saw Moorpaw put something that looked like spiderwebs. I shuddered as the brown tomcat applied the spiderwebs.

"What do spiderwebs do?" I asked, tail swishing and I watched.

"Cobwebs" Stolenlight corrected me "and they are used to cover up the wound. Like what Twolegs call 'plasters',"

I was about to ask what a Twoleg was but put two and two together. They called humans Twolegs. I nodded, turning back to the Moorpaw and Dawnpaw.

"There, all done." The brown apprentice mewed, padding over to Stolenlight.

"So your the medicine cat apprentice." I mewed and he nodded, glancing at Dawnpaw and smirking.

"Yes. And Medicine cats are forbidden from love" he added.

Dawnpaw looked horrified at that news. Moorpaw and I chuckled and she looked from Stolenlight to Moorpaw.

"That must be horrible!" She exclaimed, eyes wide.

"We give our devotion to Starclan. That is all the love we need" Stolenlight meowed, a half smirk on his maw.

Dawnpaw had a frown as we exited the den. I laughed at my friend. She could be a bit to lovestruck sometimes. Luckily Moorpaw told us that or she would of probably proposed at that second.

"Oh shut it" she hissed at me as I giggled at her.

"Make me" I hissed playfully back, batting her head.

"You idiot" Dawnpaw mewed back, giggling as I darted away. She ran after me and he played tag in the middle of camp.

Some of the elders and senior warriors watched with smiles but Amberflash was disgusted. She had a scowl as she prowled over to us, hissing in annoyance.

"What do you think your doing?!" she snapped as we laughed.

"Leave them" Swallowstar mewed, padding over and putting a tail on his deputy's shoulder. "We are all allowed a little fun from time to time."

Amberflash scoffed as I laughed. I pranced away, brown tabby tail streaming behind me. My bright purple eyes shone as I ran over to my mentor. Galeclan was going to be fun.

Sorry, just one p.o.v for the moment. Also I apologise for the story being boring at the moment. I'm working on character development but soon there shall be drama. Also, sorry for the weird end XD.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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