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Double update to kick start the reincarnation of this book again :)

Double update to kick start the reincarnation of this book again :)

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After stumbling out of your house a few minutes late and having to catch public transport as your car had been so mercilessly stolen by your older bother, you finally made it to the café. You had seen an impatient Taehyung through the window of the coffee shop making you utter curse words under your breath -- you needed him to be in the best mood possible if he was to accept your feelings.

You had made your way through the glass doors after taking a deep breath, the bell on the door making a delicate ring echo through the room. Taehyung noticed you, making him send you a boxy smile. You grinned back, making your way over to the table he had seated himself at.

So here you were, sitting next to Kim Taehyung with your heart beating wildly inside your chest -- you felt as though it was about to burst through your ribcage, and you hoped to God that Taehyung couldn't hear it.

"So why did you want to meet up?"

You didn't exactly know what to say. How would you tell the boy next to you that you have a crush on him without making it sound out of the blue? Hey, I think you're really cool and I want to date you. No, that's way too forward. Your eyes captivated me instantly the first day I met you... Your lips look kissable and I would like to kiss them right now, thy beautiful wonder. Be my boyfriend and we will have eternal happiness, my love. Now you were just kidding yourself, that was the dumbest thing you've ever come up with. How should you say this? You were still having a mental battle with yourself until-

"I like you, Taehyung." you managed to blurt out to the unsuspecting boy who sat across from you, biting your lip as soon as the words left your mouth. Talk about forward.

As you mentally scolded yourself you nervously bounced your left knee, impatiently awaiting an answer.

Taehyung looked shocked, staring at you with eyes as wide as saucers for a few dauntingly long seconds. He eventually rubbed the back of his neck in a sheepish manner as if trying to seem flattered, although you could tell he was completely dumbfounded.

As you gave him an expecting look, all he did was sigh.

"[Y/N], I..." he paused, as if trying to find a way to carefully phrase his next words.

"...I'm gay."

It took you a moment before his words thoroughly sunk in.

"Wait, what?!"

Taehyung averted his gaze, biting his lip in nervousness and embarrassment.

"Well, this is awkward..." Taehyung shyly explained, his face red and eyes glued to the floor.

You cleared your throat, pursing your lips. This couldn't get any worse.

Just as you thought those words, a waiter made his way over to your table. "Good afternoon, what can I get you?"

Taehyung looked up from the floor, a flustered expression on his face as he glanced at the waiter. "We, um.. Haven't decided yet... Can you give us a few minutes? --Unless she's ready!" he spoke quickly, his voice cracking at the end. You could see him curse himself out of the corner of your eye. Now things couldn't get any more awkward.

"Ah, I see. Would you like me to retrieve anything while you decide? Some flowers, maybe?" the waiter asked, winking at the two of you.

I want to die.

You quickly shook your head. "We're fine," you squeaked, looking anywhere but the two males in front of you.

The waiter left after that, leaving you and Taehyung in a very awkward silence.

After around 3 minutes of quick glances and unnecessary throat-clearing, you abruptly stood up.

"I should... Head off," you spoke quietly, pushing your chair in and gathering your belongings, not even waiting for an answer.

"O-okay, um... Good talk, I'll see you... Later?"

"Yep," you responded, three octaves higher than your normal voice as you dashed out of the café.

That was the worst moment of your life.


Once you had finally arrived home, you fished your phone out of your pocket and opened Namjoon's contact.

To: ExPeNsIvE jOoNiE



From: ExPeNsIvE jOoNiE


How'd it go?


Did ya score :P

To: ExPeNsIvE jOoNiE


Please end me oml

From: ExPeNsIvE jOoNiE


I can't tell if this is good or bad



To: ExPeNsIvE jOoNiE


To sum it up


That was the worst experience of my life

From: ExPeNsIvE jOoNiE


Why? What happened? :(

To: ExPeNsIvE jOoNiE




Taehyung is gay


And so the drama begins ;)

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