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I've been dating jungkook for over a year. It's senior year graduation. I can't wait to grauate adn go to college. Me and Jungkook oppar got into same university. I can't wait to gor wiht him and go to parties with him. Well be the campus it couple. I look at hi, thru the see of stuents waitnign to graduate. He smile at me. I blush. Its been a year yet he can make me blush as if we been dating for a day. I hate him but i lvoe him. He so cute and nice. He acts soft around me and hard around others. I feel special when im with him. I hope we never break up. Principal goes to stage and calls for everyone attention. Its time for us to graduate. One by one everyone goes up. They grab their diploma and shake hands. I shake as i wait to be clled. I look throug the crowds to see my parents. I sigh in defeat when i no see them. Of course theyd idnt cpme/ too busy with their meetinsg overseas to see me and v oppar gradaute. I ignore them. Ion care anymore. I wll be successful wtih out tem. At least my butlers camr to see me and v oppar. I spot my butler and wave. He wave back and flash thumbs up. You got this. He mouth to me. I nodd. Hwaiting! I fist pump lightly. V oppar disappeared next to me. I se e him up on stage getting his diploma. I cheer for him. He smile and walk down. Now my turn. I take a deep breath and walk up on stage. I hear cheering and see my freinds cheering for me. I smile and grab my diploma and hsalek hands. Im finally graduate. After everyone gets their diplomas we throw our caps and go see our families. I talk with my butlers v oppar and freinds. I dont see jungkook oppar tho. I looka roudn for him. Where is he? I pull out my phone and test him. Eodiyo. I say. He doesnt answer but read the text. I see him off to the side looking at phone. He loo up and see me. He gesture for me to come to him. I run up to him. "Oppar!" I say when i reached he. He cringe. I try to kiss him. He turn away head. I frown. "What's wrong oppar/" he shake head. "I can't say it here. Come wtih me." He walks and i run to catch up. I try to hold his hand but he shake my hand off. Why he acting so weird? He get into car and i get in after. He didn't open car door for me... he usually does. What happened to him? He drive for a while both hands on wheel. He doesnt touch my thigh or hold my hand. Something is wrong. He drives to our cliff and gets out. He walk to cliff and stand there. I get a text from v oppar wondering wher i am. I text that i with jungkookie oppar and step out. I wakl up to jungkookie oppar. "What did youw anan say oppar?" I aask him. He brouht me to our special place. I''m sacare for what he gonna say. He turn to look at me. Hsi eyes hard and dark. He look lke old jungkook. Why he look eman? "I've been emaning to say this for a while but i didn't wanna break your heart." I frown. "What are you saying oppar?" He can't be doing what i think he gonna do. Jebal. Naythng but that. He open his mouth again and my heart drops. He says the 3 words i never wanted to ehar ever in my life and my hear t shatters. "Let's break up."



this is the end of In Love W/ My 🍆💦 🔥 Buff Cute Bully Qrtrbck AKA My Brother's BFF Drama Ensues

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this is the end of In Love W/ My 🍆💦 🔥 Buff Cute Bully Qrtrbck AKA My Brother's BFF Drama Ensues. i have grown a tiny attachment to this story, and i can't believe it's over now (aka i fucking hated this story and am happy i finished it). i wrote this in 3 days and don't want it to end. too bad all good things must come to an end. this is goodbye for this story. i hope you enjoyed. there's no pt2 to this book. i hope you enjoy my other stories if i ever get around to writing them. peace out✌️

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