Chapter 2

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Ethan POV

I awoke to the sound of crying. I was sleeping in the kitchen chair, bet that's going to feel good later. I looked at the clock, 6:30am. God Lilly's and early riser, save me.

I got up at of the awkward position an headed down the hallway to Lilly's room. I opened the door and saw Lilly sitting up in her bed, crying hysterically.

Lilly's room is a light blue and light pink. The walls are light blue and a tree is painted above her bed. Her bed has blue bedding with pink flowers with a pillow that is stitched with her name, Lillian. She has a stuffed bunny and soft pink blanket that is next to her pillow that she can't sleep without.

I ran to her side and lifted her up and onto my lap. I cooed into her ear and rubbed soothing circles on her back. I gently rocked her and waited until her sobbing soon quieted into hiccups.

I set Lilly on her bed and got up. I bent down to her height and looked into her eyes.

"Lilly, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"I want mwommy and dwaddy!" She cried.

"I know you do, but they're not here baby," I tell her gently.

"Where are tey?" She asks me, my heart breaking as she looked up at me- eyes full of innocence.

"They went to a nice place. Called Heaven. They are angels now."

"I wanna be an awngel." She tells me.

"Not now, later." I tell her.

She nods and looks at me.

"Fwood?" She asks me.

"Sure thing baby girl," I say as I lift her up and carry her to the kitchen. I set her in her booster seat and strap her in. I go to the freezer and grab some french toast sticks and warm them up, along with some syrup. I grab a plastic purple plate and pink fork. I fill her blue sippy cup, that has Lillian on it, with milk. I set 3 french toast sticks on her plate and lightly drizzle them with syrup. I give her her food and serve myself some french toast sticks. We eat quietly and when we finish I look at the clock 7:25am.

I clean our dishes up and put them in the dishwasher. I grab Lilly and set her on my hip. I carry her to her room where I set her on her bed while I look for an outfit for her.

I undress her and put her in some clean underwear and black leggings. I put on her pink shirt that says, 'I'm a diva, but nobody would want me any other way'. I thought that fit her. I put on her white socks and pink converse. With that, my masterpiece is complete. Well, almost.

I pick her up and carry her into the bathroom across the hall. I brush her hair and put it in a ponytail, with a pink bow as she wished. I brushed her teeth gently and quickly.

I carried her into the living room and put on Blues Clues to keep her busy while I got ready. I showered quickly and dressed into jeans and a button up blue shirt- I know I'm a dork. I brushed my teeth and my hair quickly. I went back to the living room, where Lilly was staring attentively at the tv. If only she gave me this much attention..sigh.

I watched a bit of Blues Clues with her before I got bored. I still don't believe I ever found this entertaining, not even as a child. Then again I was outside most of the time. An idea struck me.

"Hey Lilly. Wanna go to the park?"

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