Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

A/N just warning that it's pretty bad. Sorry

Ethan POV

I had just woken up to my alarm blaring. Today was the day Lilly and I meet up with Juliet and Izabella for lunch. I checked the clock which read 8:30am. I climbed out of bed slowly and rubbed my eyes. I walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower.

I dried off and wrapped a light blue towel around my waist. I walk over to my dresser and pull out dark jeans and a red button up. I comb my hair and rush out to fix breakfast. I make some waffles for me and Lilly and peel an orange for both of us. I fill her yellow sippy cup that has flowers all over it with milk and grab a glass for me.

I put the food on two plates and head towards Lilly to wake her up. I enter her room quietly and head to her bed. I gently shake her and coo to her.

"Lilly, baby, wake up," I say quietly.

"No," Lilly whines.

"I made waffles." I try to coax her.

"Waffles?" She questions.

I chuckle, "Yes waffles."

She lifts her hands up and I quickly set her on my hip. I head back to the question and sit her on her booster seat.

I grab the plates and drinks and set her milk and food in front of her and grab my own. We eat and talk.

"Yummy!" Lilly exclaims with syrup all over her as she chugs down most of her milk.

"Easy there killer," I say and she slows down a bit.

"I like waffles." Lilly tells me.

I laugh, "I know you do. We're going to meet Juliet and Izabella today for lunch. Does that sound like fun?" I question the messy tot.

Lilly nods her head while munching on an orange slice. We finish in silence and Lilly helps me clean up. After we finish I decide to give Lilly a bath.

"Munchkin! Come here!" I call to her.

Pitter patter of feet sound and the next thing I know is a head in my stomach, little arms encircled around me. I chuckle and lift the troubling toddler into my arms. I carry her to the bathroom and set her on the toilet seat while I run the water.

I strip her of her clothes and put them in the dirty clothes pile that is accumulating in the bathroom. I need to learn how to do laundry. I check the temperature of the water before gently setting her in the water. I gently wash her hair and body and let her play for a few minutes.

As she makes splashes and giggles in the tub I play on my phone. I grab a pink towel and drain the water. I wrap the towel around Lilly and dry her. I help her put on her underwear and dress her in some skinny jeans and a lime green long sleeve shirt with an L on it. I put some socks on and blow dry her hair. I comb her hair and set her down and tell her to play for a few minutes. I brush my teeth and check my phone before calling Lilly back in. I brush her teeth and carry her to the utility room. I put on my shoes and put Lilly's boots on. I pick up Lilly and set her in her car seat before driving to Olive Garden where we meet up.

I grab Lilly and walk up to Juliet whose waiting with Izabella and catch her eye. She waves us over and jog up to her, Lilly giggling over the movement.

"Nice to see you again." I say as I reach her.

"Likewise," Juliet smiles and my smile widens.

"Let's go in, shall we?" I offer my hand.

She looks me over before smiling contently and takes my hand. Sparks shoot up from my hand.

"We shall." She said and I swear I couldn't have been more happy as we walk inside the restaurant.

Yeah you guys are probably upset. I have been busy with school and extra curricular that I just never found the time. Yes I know this is incredibly short but I'm working on it. Don't hate me.
Sorry again,
Jalyn 💗

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