Chapter 4

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Ethan POV

I reread the message before carefully responding.

yup its fine

Eh, sounds lame but oh well. Hopefully, she doesn't judge me based on a text message.

Weird, I know, but my friend Brian, had a crush on this girl Nina. Girl was a total slut. Had her tongue down a different guys throat every week. Eek. But anyways, he texted her one day and said:

wanna hang?

But there was a typo, where he was supposed to say hang, he said bang, and now she thinks he's a pedophile.

She'd probably give him a disease anyways, so it'd really didn't matter. I think she got pregnant though...

Any who! I just sent the text and was watching the game again. I checked the time on my phone.


I yawned. It was getting late so I turned the tv off and grabbed my phone. I walked to the hallway and turned off the light switch, that was right by the entrance of the hallway. I headed to my bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth, and yada, yada, yada. I zoned out for a few minutes when I was snapped out by a buzz.

Jules 👌💋

cant wait, cya then ☺️

I replied to the text, with my hands slippery from washing them.

me 2 goodnite 😴

I turned off my phone, not waiting for a reply, and walked to my room. I stripped to my boxers and got in bed, under the sheets, snuggling in to get comfortable. I soon drifted off into the world of dreamland.


I awoke from my slumber with the sound of a cry. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my clock. You have got to be kidding me.

I was about to get up and get her, when my door opened and in came Lilly. She barreled to my bed and climbed in as she was so short.

She snuggled up to me and buried herself in blankets. I could tell, even in the dark, that her face was red and tears were spilling over her eyelids. I faced her towards me and looked in her eyes.

"Baby girl, what's wrong?" I asked gently.

"Mwommy and dwaddy weave me!" She cried and placed her head on my chest. I sighed, I knew this would happen again.

"I know Lilly, but they love both of us greatly." I tell her calmly.

"Bwut why dey weave? If dey love me dey would stay!" She said, her body racking in sobs.

"They were called in to help the other angels look after you," I tell her and rub her back soothingly.

"I want them bwack!" She cried even harder, if possible.

"I know Lilly, I know." I tell her exasperated from my lack of sleep.

I continue to rub her back before her cries turn to snores. I guess this is a brother-sister night.

Lilly POV (Betcha didn't expect that)

I woke up and stretched. But my hand smacked something. A groan sounded, then felt something shift by me. I looked next to me to see bubby. He was sleeping. I giggled when I saw a little red mark on his nose. I'm bored...

Oh! I remember I left my markers in here. I climbed down bubby's bed and grab my blue, black, and pink marker. I climb back up bubby's bed and stand up. For those of you who don't get me, I'm trying to find a piece of paper. After scoping (that's a funny word hehe) his bedroom, I spot no paper. I frown and sit back down on the bed. I look back at bubby. Hmm, his face will do!

I get to work on my masterpiece and finish about 20 minutes later. Funny he didn't wake up. His face looks better. Like a unicorn. I want a unicorn, I have a stuffed unicorn but it's not the same. I guess I'll never get a unicorn. Doesn't stop me from wanting one.

A rumbling sound below me disrupted my thoughts. I'm hungry. Time to wake the unicorn. Hehe unicorn... I shook Bubby and watched as his eyes fluttered open. His tired, hazel eyes meet mine.

"You up already munchkin?" He asks me. I nod my head and let out a tiny giggle. He sends me a questioning look.

"Whatcha giggling at you little monster?"

I only giggle more in response to his question. What? His face looks funny...not so much like a unicorn anymore. Bubby gets up and heads to the bathroom. A few minutes later I hear a scream.

"LILLIAN NAOMI CAITLYN SANDERS! Get yo tiny little butt in here!" He yells. I gulp.

I silently and slowly walk to him in the bathroom. He looks at me angrily and I look down.

"What is the meaning of this?" He asks me.

"Mhgmsjsk," I mumble quietly.

"What was that?" He asks sternly, which scares me.

"Dere nwo paper." I say nervously.

"That does not mean you draw on my face. You will go to the corner for 5 minutes."

I nod sadly and solemnly and head to the corner of the room and he starts the timer. He stalks back to the bathroom angrily, and I begin to cry quietly.

He comes back in a couple minutes later, face free of marker and checks the timer. He then takes out his phone and plays a game. A ding disrupts his game and my thinking.

Bubby heads to me and kneels down to my height.

"Are you sorry?" He asks.

I nod my head quickly.

"Why were you put in the corner?"

"I cowored on youw fwace." I tell him. He nods and opens up his arms for a hug. I happily comply and snuggle up to him. My stomach grumbled and bubby looked at me. He chuckled.

"Somebody's hungry." He teases me.

I nod enthusiastically and he carries me to the kitchen. Bubby straps me to my seat and fixes me some toast and milk. He also gave me a bit of a banana. He fixes himself some cereal and we eat quietly. Bubby finishes and clears away his dishes before turning to me. He laughs and takes a picture with his phone. I look up at him confused.

"You are the messiest person I have ever known." He tells me and wipes my face with a napkin. I cringe away from the napkin and shake my head.

I am not the messiest eater! Has he seen his friends when they are over? Hmph.

Bubby picks me up and carries me to my room. He picks out my outfit: some blue, clean underwear, skinny jeans, and a blue knitted sweater. He puts on my white socks and black vans. He puts me down and combs my hair, while I brush my teeth. He fixes my hair in a fishtail braid, I have a bubby that can do hair, be jealous. He re-brushed my teeth when he discovered I had barely brushed them.

He held my hand as we walked to the garage. He set me in my car seat in mummy's van. He sat in the drivers seat, where mommy usually sits when she drove me to the park. I miss my mommy. He drove to one of my favorite places, like ever:

The Grocery Store



Hi!! Um this is Chapter 4. Hopefully I'll update soon but I'm like bombarded with homework. I hate school... Well thanks for reading.


Jalyn 💞

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