Zoro X Reader

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(Your Name) stood still, she could feel the cold touch of air warp around her like mist in the ancient dojo. Bumps had crawled ever so slightly onto her pale (skin colour) arms as sweat carefully cascaded down her figure. She clutched her sword tightly, arms trembling due to the nervousness that clutched onto her physique. 

'Relax!' A tanned male called out,  watching the young girl loosen her grip on the katana. 

Taking deep breaths, the (hair colour) haired girl took her stance, touching the blade with a feathery touch as she hoped for the best.

Her opponent was unguarded, feeling the winter chill that had shivered throughout their bones. She closed her eyes and waited. 'Everything has a sound' remembering her mentor's words she listened, awaiting for the strength to deplete the opposing object's.


Exhaling she reaches out, her arms outstretched and sword in hand as she eyes the stone that lay before her. Slash. 

Her chest heaves as she watches the material split in half.  

A smile reaches onto her mentor's face as he gets up, placing a hand on the three swords that have never left his side. 

'Better' (Your Name) grunts as she feels Zoro's hand pass through her (Hair colour) locks. 'Ready for a round?' The green haired male smirks, un-sheathing his swords as he faces the young female. 

A smile lights up her face as she clutches her katana, facing her enemy. There's not a single movement to be seen as they stare at each other as each person contemplated to make a move. 

With her sword tightly clasped in her sweaty hands, she dashes to the green-haired male gaining a blocked hit from her opposing enemy and being thrown back by the sword's slice through air. He lays in the exact same spot as if untouched and eyes the young girl who is eager to get a hit  in revenge.

She changes her stance bolting towards the Muscly male, but this time catching him off-guard. She kicks the back of his leg causing him to lose balance and aims the deathly blade at his head.

'That' s dirty' he groans mid-fall as the girl just smirks in response, diving the steel towards her mentor's head.

However, Zoro recovers, twisting his figure underneath the female and shoving her down from her sides.

(Your name) is now blushing, ignoring the amount of hostility that had gone into that body throw.

Her body plunges into the floor a slight pain touching her back as the swordsman sits on top of her.
'Nice try' He comments pointing his swords towards the girl's rosy (skin colour) cheeks.

'Although not good enough' She retorts, lifting up her physique, coming face to face with the brown pupils that held a deep grin within them.

The male leans in, his forehead touching the girls' as his hand snakes it's way up to her chin. With crimson cheeks she allows him to do so caressing the brute's tanned back and watching him get closer by the second. She could feel his hot breath cascading onto her skin, a pond of butterflies finding its way into her stomach as her skin lay fiery to the light touch that had pressed against it.  Her arm, her neck, her thighs, every fingertip that rolled against her skin sent sparks flying to her brain.

Knowing this, Zoro grinned, slowly kissing her lips allowing her to sample the bitter taste of booze.

It was his win, he might as well make himself feel victorious. His soft lips had pressed onto a sweet fragrance, that held a sour taste throughout them. They shared tongues, a rush of heat filling the both of them as their pink muscle discovered every corner of their mouths. It was heated, that kiss, full of emotion and victory. It was a kiss that you just never wanted to end.

As rough as Zoro looked he lacked pressure, nibbling lightly on (Your Name) 's bottom lip as her hands roamed the male' s body a bit more. However, they were both running out of breath and the heat had just accumulated more. Pulling away, a cheeky grin had found its way onto Zoro's face. While a splash of red had found it's way onto the girl's.

'Thanks for the reward'

Zoro steadies his swords, each one carefully sheathed back in their case. (Your name) does the same, bringing the case towards her face and sliding the deadly metal back into its resting place. The swords cling, their battle named as done with Zoro as the victor as the two said Fighters lay on top of each other.

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