Sanji X Child!Reader

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It was a casual evening. Pumpkin colored sun rays beated down on the small town that stood there proudly in the fine light. Small hoots from Owls echoed throughout the silent village as shops began closing one by one.

Sanji's footsteps crackled on the pavement, his keys jingling as his lips sung a melodic tune that had rang in his ears.

He was a pretty joyous chap. Two of his favorite women, Nami and Robin had spent a day shopping with him. You could say it was a planned date that went horridly right.

His boots clicked, his legs transitioning to a light skip as he was about to review the wondrous day that had happened to him.

'Ah, Nami-swan looked gorgeous today, especially in those bikinis-'

Blood. Blood, came dripping down the white male's nose as his mind twirled with perverted thoughts. His eyes had thrilled in the sight of seeing his two girls dress in swim-wear. Oh, how lucky he had felt today, it was as if he was on top of the world.


A young girl sat on top of her porch, her (Eye colour) eyes shedding tears that streamed against her (skin colour) skin. She was sad, no doubt, but the light bruises that decorated her body explained a roughly explanatory story.

(Your name) was the daughter of Sanji's next door neighbor. She was a young girl that had said to be the victim of her mother's drunken and brutal behaviour.

To the blonde's pleasure she was a cute child that would surely grow up to be a fine woman and seeing her in a situation like this was something he had acted upon.

'(Your Name) - Chan?...'

The girl looked up, her (Eye colour) coming into contact with Sanji's azure ones. She sniffed, her eyes straining to stop the uncontrollable flood that Was about to slide down her face.

'Sanji.. I-.....'

'A girl' s tears will destroy her beauty'.

The young girl held a light smile as the male's hand had extended to her own.

This was a regular occurrence for the blonde. It had been happening since the time he moved in when nobody would even dare look in the direction of the crying girl that had to stifle her tears against the abuse.

With Sanji, a ladies man, all ages included, he decided to help the youngster get through it, acting as a big brother which the child had never had.

'Chopper! (Your name) is staying over.' Sanji called, hearing the loud footsteps of his dog coming down the stairs. He turned to (Your name) a small smile plastered on his face. 'Make yourself at home.'

Chopper flung himself onto the petite child, causing the young girl's body to plummet into the ground. Pain striked all places of her physique but she was glad to see the giant mutt once again.

'Looks like he' s happy to see you too. '

Lighting a cigarette, Sanji strolled towards the kitchen to make tea. The (hair colour) haired girl knew, Sanji was an exquisite, pro chef. He made the greatest treats anyone could' ve ever asked for! This is why his good friend Luffy would come and snack at his place. He was truly a glutton for Sanji's cooking.

'I' ll help! ' (Your Name) shouted, her small legs rushing off to the kitchen as she kept behind the black-suited blonde who had already put the kettle on.

' Oh really? Then, can you get the bread from the fridge so I can make mini BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato) sandwiches? '

(Your Name) drooled from just the sound of it, her taste buds already tasting the warm tenderized meat that fell on her tongue. *I am so sorry if you are vegan or vegetarian*
' Sure! '

' Thanks a lot. '

The (hair colour) haired girl stood there, dumbfounded. She didn't know that 'from the fridge' meant 'on top of the fridge.'

She pondered in thought, wondering what she could do in order not to bother Sanji and get to the bread bin safely. I mean, she was face to face with a 5'8 fridge.

She gave Chopper a worried look, a low whine escaping from his muzzle as he seemed to understand the situation.

Tired, of all her run out options, (Your name) grabbed a chair, placing it in front of the fridge and stood on it. Sadly enough, she was still too short as her fingers were just about a metre away from her target.

However, the young girl was determined, jumping on the wooden stool, making the slightest noise in order to reach the bin.


(Your name) had lost her balance, her (skin colour) skin getting closer to the tiled floor that stared at her. She closed her eyes, bracing herself for the impact, awaiting the many bruises she had to hurt just once more after the fall. But that didn't happen.

'It wouldn' t be nice if a lady like yourself were to damage her face. The face is the best part of a lady'

The warmth of Sanji's chest felt like burns on (Your name) 's system. It was true, she was young but she was quite fond of her brotherly partner. She didn' t know whether it was admiration or a crush but she stuck with admiration anyway.

'Sorry, I couldn' t reach it. ' the (hair colour) haired pouted causing the blonde to have a grin painted on his face.

' Maybe this will be a bit better? '

Pale hands wrapped against (Your name)' s sides, their hold tight as her body slowly lifts up off of the ground. She could feel Sanji' s body heat radiate into her own, his smoky breath bite into her nostrils.

At this rate, she would've been taller than the fridge, a small chuckle passed through her lips as she had that silly thought.

As soon as the bread had been taken, the young girl's mission was ticked off as complete. Once done, She waited in the living room, a tired Chopper in her lap, for the snacks Sanji was preparing.

'All done'

The canine's ears perked up, it's wet nose filled of the flavorsome aroma that sifted around it.

'Take your fill'

The girl's face melted at the extreme delight of eating Sanji's cooking. Chopper too, couldn't even comprehend for words how good it was, not like he could talk anyway.

Satisfied that the two were having a joyous banquet, Sanji beamed at the two, praising his efforts as a chef once tasting his cooking.

'Thank you, Sanji!' (Your Name) held such a beautiful smile to her tiny face, Sanji was left awed at the sight that he had witnessed.

He slowly leaned in, wiping off the whipped cream that had found its way onto the (eye colour) eyed girl's nose.

'Anything for you M' lady. '

(Your Name) flushed, her cheeks becoming a sore red as she watched the male lick off the cream on his fingers. Really, she couldn' t help but be washed in Sanji's brotherly love.

At home, it was different, she would hear the drunken words of her mother being slurred against her figure and sometimes when she was really mad, she would ram her body against the closest wall.

(Your Name) never knew the definition of 'love' till she met Sanji.
And thanks to him, she'd do it again any day, without a doubt.

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