2. Destiny

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My life is what I would like to consider a repetitive cycle of nothingness: Sleep too late, wake up regretfully early, dread my day at school then read too much than I should.

It's all I ever did. At times I would envy my classmates whenever shared their stories from being together, but that vile feeling never lasted long. Soon I'd be allowed to live too.

My mother is what I would like to consider "a typical Indian parent". Her main priority towards me was my grades and the excuse "but everyone else did bad on the test too" never bothered her. Instead her only response would be: "Those other students are not mine."

So one could only imagine the wrath I must endure when my grades do not meet her expectations. But now, it's all in the past.

Breathing in the fresh, forest air I felt content for the first time since we moved away from my birth town when I was only 11.

Now at the age of 18, I've returned but as only a visitor this time. The musky smell of the forest still laced the air and the whole vintage theme of the town hadn't changed a bit.

The major moments that have moulded me into who I've grown up to be came back as memories as I drove through the town, on my way to visit my aunt Maddie.

Although she may not be biologically related to me, she was still the only family that I have besides my mother.

My mother and Maddie became friends on the day i was born- with Maddie being there to deliver me near the lake in the forest when my mother couldn't reach the hospital.

It was her idea for me to return, saying that it's time for me to "live up to my destiny" a phrase which she uses to say that I need to start living. Aunt Maddie had always been one to talk in riddles as such, so I've grown to learn to decipher it, but that's never stopped her from firing back with her famous: "Oh Maralda, you have no idea what you're talking about. "

It was night by the time I reached our old cabin in the woods. Sleeping out of the car with my silver, glitter suitcase I looked up to the sky on habit, tonight looking less star filled than most, before knocking on the door.

Without a creek or a squeak, the door opened revealing my beautiful, blond aunt Maddie.

Her skin was still youthful and her hair still silky and straight, as if she failed to age a day since I'd last met her.

Aunt Maddie had a million dollar smile on display and her eyes glared with happiness.

"OOH, look at you!" She swooned as her arms engulfed my body in a tight embrace.

Her arms were like a snake, and my body her pray.

Aunt Maddie continued to express her happiness and showcase her excitement, barely giving me anytime to greet her at all.

Nothings changed about her. Her posture is still sharp, her voice still sounds as sweet and calming as ever and her eyes still shined in it's radiant honey brown greatness. Only this time it looked as if it was missing someone.

She ushered me into her small cabin and the scent of old books and tea was the first thing I noticed.

We sat together on her old, red sofa and began to catch up on the ever so interesting events (Note the sarcasm) that have lead me to this day.

We spoke for hours, sharing our stories with the stars and escaped reality as we lost ourselves in the past.

"Esmeralda, sweetheart" Aunt Maddie peeked above her petite teacup, with a range of emotions swirling inside her honey orbs. "Do you remember that story I always told you when you were younger? The story about the stars?"







Written in the stars (Rewriting) Where stories live. Discover now