11. Saved

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Esmeralda's POV

Have you ever heard the expression: saved by the bell? Till today, that's all it's been to me. An expression.

Brunch was going just fine, or as great as I could have expected. My aunt Maddie and Amy's aunt Petunia were gushing on about the latest town gossips, or I assume judging from their hushed whispers.

Amy and her friend spoke through their eyes. Looking at each other in a manner only they could understand. It made the air heavier and the atmosphere denser, that's when I concluded that it must be love.

The thought sickened me, it turned my blood into bile and the air I breathe into the fire, burning its way throughout my body.

The feeling scared me, but for some sick reason, I understood if more than I should.

Amy must have noticed my constant starting, even though I thought that I was being rather discrete, as she smirked ever so slightly and reached closer to Castiel.

He raised a brow, clearly not in favor of her action which raised a swell of pride deep within me. Amy didn't bother, no it excited her even more.

She inched closer and whispered something into Castiel's ear. I don't know what it was but I didn't like it.

She drew away and sunk back into her seat, satisfied while Castiel turned to look at me.

The sun shined directly onto his face, making his eyes look deeper than allowed, and his features stand our more ruggedly.

His eyes met mine in a duel of dominance, neither of us willing to look away before the other.

But that single glance turned into more, and my cheeks lit up to the thought.

Castiel's eyes turned into that of amusement before he leaned closer across the table, and whispers loud enough for me to hear, "Found what you're looking for yet?"

I would have shot back with something so stupidly sassy, but my brain was on overload.

My eyes were too fixed on theh way his lips move with ever work, to role at the stupidity of his remarks, and my mouth was too busy gaping in awe to say anything.

"Esmeralda dear, it's for you." Aunt Maddie said through her teeth, with a right smile, handing over her phone which I hasn't noticed had rung.

I thanked her and excuses myself as I stepped out the door to be greeted with the warmth of the middays' air.

"Hello." I greeted.

"Hello my love, how are you?" My mother greeted over the phone "I'm sorry that I has missed your call last night."

Ever since I began residing here, my mother and I have been speaking ever night.

"Mama, thank goodness you phoned!"I exclaimed before ranting on about my undeniably strange encounters, and especially Castiel.

"I've told you many times, you have the wrong state of mind!" She scolded. "You've got to involve yourself more with people."

Despite my mother's countless admirable traits, the fact that she could turn everything into a lecture is something I've grown to despise.

"Mmm, mama when you're gonna visit? " she'd promised to visit a week after I've settled in, but my old time neighbor, Auntie Stella had unfortunately passed on after suffering from skin cancer for just over a year.

My mother had stayed to be there for her family, and I had agreed.

My mother and I spoke, and spoke. Even when she insisted I go back to tea, I still spoke. Right until i heard someone clear their through.

I turned to be met with the most gorgeous pair of eyes I've ever seen.



Sooo. I'm really tired and I have no idea what I've done here... but I hope that it's readable.

Which do you guys prefer: first POV or 3rd POV?

It's a short author's note, but I might pass out while writing this, lmao.

Till next time,


Written in the stars (Rewriting) Where stories live. Discover now