six| Seth Clearwater

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You know Bella Swan? The girl who loved both Edward and Jacob? The one who married Edward at 18? Well I'm her sister Y/n Swan

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You know Bella Swan? The girl who loved both Edward and Jacob? The one who married Edward at 18? Well I'm her sister Y/n Swan.

I've lived with my mom my whole life, (also if I had a little preference for my dad) I had to stay with her till the day before my sister's wedding.

"Charlie called" mom looked at me straight in my eyes "I know how much you love him, and I know how much he loves you so we decided that after Bella gets married you're going to live with your dad" she looked like she was going to cry, but she forced a little smile and then kissed my head.

Was I really going to live in forks? That was my wish, I should've been happy, but I wasn't.
"Mum are you sure?' She shrugged and nodded her head smiling "bella gets married tomorrow so we leave today, Phil will come tomorrow"

I held some tears but nodded and went upstairs to pack my things, I only packed warm stuff, if there is a cold and rainy place in America that is for sure Forks, and I knew it well.

I hadn't so many friends, I had my best friend and some classmates that I loved more than others but I decided to call all of them, so I could say that they were going to see me on Thanksgiving.

"Y/n hi! You on for a movie night?" Y/bff/n answered "sorry girl... uhm I'm going to leave today to go live in Forks with my dad"
I thought she would yell at me but instead... "oh yeah I knew it! Tell me if you find cute guys! Bye!" I laughed as she hung up.

We took off at 12 PM but I don't know when we'd arrived in Port Angeles, we just called a taxi and went to Forks.
The car ride was silent both me and mom weren't so happy, I'd lived with her since I was born and it hurt to leave her but a part of me wanted a new life, where i felt I belonged to: Forks.

Some memories came through my mind, I thought about all the times I used to play with Bella, Jake, Billy when he wasn't on his wheelchair yet, and even Jacob's sisters even though they were way older than me.

I stared at the woods till we arrived in front of my new house, dad was already waiting for me on the porch, smiling.

I got out of the car and ran toward him, I hugged him so tight that I couldn't even let him breathe "I love you dad, I've missed you so much" I think I even cried on his shirt " hey kid I've missed you too, now let your old mom take your things and come say hi to the one and only Bella Swan."
He smiled at me again before he let me go inside.

'The one and only Bella Swan' was standing smiling awkwardly near the table in the kitchen, I smiled at her and waved "hi Bella I heard you had a lot of fun without me uh" she laughed, God i had missed her laughter.

I ran and hugged her, she kissed my forehead "I'm afraid we'll have to sleep together tonight, like old times... aw look at you Y/n you're 16, you've got so beautiful, the Cullens and Jake's friends will love you" oh my God she got emotional, I giggled, "and so you're marrying Edward Golden Hair Cullen?" she laughed "I'll introduce him to you later"

Mom fake coughed and hugged Bella. I smiled at how close they were and walked upstairs to my room.
I smiled at the memories.

"Dad can you drive me to Billy's?" I yelled from my room" I heard my dad laugh as he yelled back a yes.

As I arrived at the Black's, as Billy let me in I noticed he wasn't the usual smiley man, he was serious and even upset maybe "if you're searching for Jake he's come back from uh a trip" he said, I smiled "I was searching for you Billy, but thanks" he finally smiled "I've missed you kid" we laughed and laughed until Jacob came up to us

"Hi y/n" he just said before storming out of the house, I shrugged and decided to go back home, Charlie picked me up.

__________after the wedding___________

"Come Y/n i have to introduce you to someone" I smiled at my sister as we walked towards a group of tall and tan boys all of them looking hella good.

"Guys this is my sister Y/n, Y/n they are the guys from the Quileute village" (let's pretend they were all there with Sethy boo)
She said "Oh my God, I love the reservation" I jumped up and down like a child, they all laughed as Bella started to tell me their names.

"This is Quil Ateara then Sam Uley, Embry Call, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote and Seth Clearwater" I waved to all of them then I stopped at the youngest looking one, Seth I think. Then everything around me stopped, there was only Seth.

"Well I guess we'll be seeing you more at the reservation" Jared joked snapping me out of our trance earning a glare from Seth "shut up Cameron"


Hey there cuties ❤🌹

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