seven| Seth Clearwater

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I hated the Cullens, they seemed so perfect but I knew they weren't, they looked so freaking lifeless, and the way Edward took Bella away from her father? Really strange

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I hated the Cullens, they seemed so perfect but I knew they weren't, they looked so freaking lifeless, and the way Edward took Bella away from her father? Really strange.

My father always reminded me not to stay near them, "they're dangerous, kid" he would say while my brother had a huge crush on the Bella hoe and he let her break his kind heart.

That day was like the others for me, another day with my heartbroken brother and my best friend, crush actually. I met Seth when I was five, and we're friends since then.

"Damn Y/n wake up!" My dad yelled "come on dad it's Sunday!" I groaned and threw my pillow at him "breakfast is ready" he said huffing at me, I frowned "I'm not hungry" he groaned "Seth will be here in five minutes" Seth?! Oh my... I got up and got dressed in a bit and went to the kitchen.

"Seth's not coming this morning" Billy laughed at my statement "ha but it's too late to go back to sleep" I shrugged closing my eyes as I sat on the counter, eating my pancakes.

"Good morning" Jacob walked in with his usual -I'm so broken thanks to that stupid hoe- expression, he found out that Edward'd asked Bella to marry him, and now he's all sad and angry.

"Morning kid" my dad smiled as Jake hugged me "hi sis" he said an I giggled, "need some advice today?" I asked and he nodded making me chuckle slightly.

We went to his room, we lied down "what did she do now?" I asked him "she's going to marry him, she used me" he complained, I smiled softly "I'm going to talk to her later okay?" He nodded.

Later that day I decided I would've gone searching for Bella, I knew where to find, I usually didn't disobey my father's orders but it was for my big brother.

I took Jake's dirt bike and went to the Cullen's (illegal much lmao) when I arrived at their house I knocked at the door nervously.

"Hi, you're Jacob's sister right?" Asked Bella opening the door "I was searching for you" I simply said "yeah what do you want?" She smiled, I kept my seriousness "why do you keep hurting my brother?" I asked, she frowned.

"He knew I was going to marry Edward sooner or later" she said "he's a mess, he doesn't eat and he cries every night" she looked at me with guilt "sorry I love Edward and I can't help it"

Then I got angry "he's hurt because of you bitch!" I snapped "it's not my fault!" She yelled back then all went in slow motion I saw Edward coming outside, he'd thrown me onto a tree, I tried to get up but I fell back down, Seth ran into the picture yelling at Edward "what did you do!? This is against the laws of the deal!"

Edward looked guilt "she's your imprint" he whispered, your what? Then Seth began to shake, violently until there was a huge sandy colored wolf when the boy stood before, after that I completely blacked out.
I began to hear some voices, that meant i was awake, I opened my eyes slowly, my brother stood near my bed and Seth was asleep on a chair, I smiled softly at him.

"How long have I been out?" I asked Jacob "one day and half, Seth fell asleep thirty minutes ago, he hasn't closed his eyes for more than twenty-four hours" he explained "is he okay?" I grinned "yes, he just worries about you sis"

Seth began to move and his eyes shut open "oh my God, oh my God are you okay?" As I looked onto his eyes I saw the wolf and got really scared, like I backed away "I'm sorry you weren't meant to discover the secret like that, I'm sorry Y/n " Seth said "there are so many things you need to know" then he began to explain everything, I listened carefully.

He told me about the imprint thing and the fact that all my friends were shifters "Well, yell, scream, say something, anything"
"I love you Seth, I don't care what you are"


Another Seth's imagine🙃

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