15. Naila is annoying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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CAUTION: This chapter has sexual content that you might not like if you don't like that type of stuff?? Just please don't flag me or sum because that would suck tbh. I'm just trying to write a book that people would enjoy because from my experience people love those sexual scenes in books.

Adin's P.O.V

"I don't think we will find Zelda. she is probably long gone now." I said to the two siblings.

"We can't stop looking, Layla is counting on us. She will be devastated if we come home without Zelda."Rosaleen said. She was so nice to everyone and all she wanted to do was to help, but she must understand that we can't keep looking for Zelda forever. Zelda was a strong woman, she can protect herself.

I checked to see what Rocco thought. we are wasting our time here, maybe she is back at the house.

hmm, Rocco did not seem too amused by this. But I do not think we are wasting our time. she is a really important part of this world now and if anything were to happen to her, we would probably be on thin ice.

"Maybe she is back at the house," Rocco finally said.

"Yes, a good idea, you should go and check if she is back. if she is not, you can just stay there and take care of Layla but come back if she has come back and tell us. if you are okay with that?"

"Yes, I'm fine with that. bye". He turned into a grey wolf and ran away from us.

"Bye," Rosaleen and I said.

"I guess it's just the two of us now huh?"  I said. I tried to cherish her, but no smile was anywhere to find on her face.

"Yes, I suppose so," she said, still looking like someone had died.

"Why are you so sad? You barely know Zelda." I asked.

"Because I just hate it when people separate like that and what if Zelda never come back? Layla will be devastated."

"I am certain Zelda will come back. the only reason she wouldn't is if she is dead, and trust me she is not dead."

"How are you so sure?" Rosaleen asked me

"Because that is just how Zelda is. She is refusing to die, she will not as long as she has Layla."

"I think we should go back too, Rosaleen. She will come to us when she is done doing whatever she is doing now."

"I do not like this, but since you know Zelda better than me, I will go back with you. She better come back," Rosaleen said in almost a threatening way which surprised me because she is the sweetest person I have ever met

"I promise. She will." I said calmingly.

"Good." She replied.

We walked back to the house. It was still very dark because it was the middle of the night.

Nothing much had happened in the house when we were gone. Layla talked about how she thought she heard someone upstairs, but Rocco checked and there was no one there luckily.

After half an hour I had fallen asleep, I don't know about the other people thought.

Zelda's P.O.V

Naila crawled closer and closer to me. She was now holding her hands on both sides of my head. She looked at me intensely and kissed me on my lips. she slipped her tongue inside my mouth once again. I had to return the kisses this time. we swirled our tongues around in each other mouths. she was now sucking my tongue, I didn't even know that was a thing people did.

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