34. After the war

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Layla's P.O.V

Two months had gone by after the war. Everyone who died when the 7th stone was crushed by Zelda had resurrected when Zelda had woken up again and the 7 magical stones were reunited. Apparently, the stones could be fixed with "a true love kiss". But if it weren't for the silver crown it wouldn't work, so it wasn't just the kiss.

The supreme witch had sent the middle-aged guy to give Zelda the crown because she had seen a vision in the future about what was going to happen. The guy who gave her the crown couldn't tell the truth about it if he did the crown would break and we couldn't save the magic.

Both Zelda and Adin resurrected from the dead, but Rosaleen was killed by a sword which means she could not be resurrected as she had lost too much blood.

We held her funeral at the castle and buried her there too. she meant a lot to Zelda so of course, she would get a great tombstone with flowers all around it. It was depressing to bury my friend, but at least Zelda can talk to her if she wants since she can confidently perform necromancy now.

I have been asking Zelda to make love to me for the past two weeks now and she refuses to do it until she has become queen for some reason, which is quite frustrating since she said we could do it after the war.

She will be crowned tomorrow as the queen of Alethia which will be so exciting.


I woke up next to Zelda in our bed. I could get my own room in the castle, but why would I want to when I can share the bed with Zelda?

It was coronation day and I was so excited. I woke Zelda up by shaking her.

"Stop" She whined. I chuckled and continued to shake her.

In a swift move, she had me pinned down on the bed, she held my arms above my head and laid on top of me. "I swear to God; you can be a pain in the ass sometimes." She said. I think her way of speaking might have been a little affected by me.

She kissed me and then looked down at me, she smirked.

"What?" I asked her

"It is coronation day which means I will be the queen of Alethia in a few hours." She said excitingly.

"Which means we will have sex after," I said. I was the one who was smirking now. Zelda was slightly blushing. It was not often she did that, but I found it super cute.

"Is that the only reason why you are so excited for today?" she asked me.

"Of course not, it's great that my girlfriend will soon become a queen. I am very proud of you Zelda. You have come so far since we first met."

"So, have you. you were useless before, but now you have become more useful than before." She replied

"So petty" I mumbled.

She chuckled again and kissed me. she slid her tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance, she won. she had quite a strong tongue. I would love to feel that tongue go to work if you know what I mean ;)

Anyways, the whole day was preparation for the coronation. I had gotten a beautiful long blue and white dress. I hadn't seen Zelda's dress yet and I had to wait to see it at the coronation. Zelda didn't have time to be with me before her coronation today, so I went for a walk with Baxter.

I walked around the village and people happily greeted me, some even gave me gifts because I had killed the king. They gave me flowers, food, and jewelry.

I walked back to the castle and back to Zelda's room. When I came back to the room I went outside to the balcony where I could see the beautiful view of the huge village and the nature behind it.

After 9 hours of waiting, it was finally time for the coronation. Guests started to appear, it was the evening and Zelda would come in about ten minutes. She was going to be crowned queen of Alethia.

Everyone had taken their place in the throne room. I was in front of the crowd because I was the one, she was closest to. Adin and Rocco were also there beside me. we waited patiently for Zelda to come in the room.

The door opened and Zelda walked in slowly. She wore a long beautiful white and gold dress. She looked so sophisticated and calm. Her head was facing forward, she wasn't looking at anyone except for the throne. Her beautiful long jet-black hair stood out when she wore the stunning dress. Her jet-black hair had been curled. 

She was finally at the throne, she turned around, so she was facing all of us. She looked at me and gave me a small smile before looking back at everyone.

The priest said some very uninteresting things and asked Zelda questions about stuff that she had to promise to do.

The crown was finally put on her head. She was given the crown jewels and she was declared Queen Zelda of Alethia. Everyone cheered as the crown was put on her head.

We all walked out to the ballroom. I stood by Zelda's side while she was greeting the guest. I didn't know who any of them were.

A stunning lady with beautiful long silver colored hair and light grey eyes came to us. When she was close to us, I could see that she was the same height as Zelda. I guess tall women was my type.

"Zelda, it's been too long." She hugged Zelda. I had no idea who she was.

"Yes Marceline, it has been way too long. We should catch up some time."

The woman nodded then looked at me. "You must be Layla; it is an honor. I heard you wanted to meet me." She smiled.

"I- uhhh." I couldn't form a sentence, not even a word. Zelda looked at me. "This is the supreme witch that you wanted to meet, remember?" Zelda said.

"Yes, nice to meet you," I reached out my hand and the supreme witch shook it.

"She must have been stunned by your beauty;" Zelda joked. They chuckled but what they didn't know was that it was true. I was honestly stunned by her long silver colored hair and her eyes were so grey, how could you not be stunned by such beauty?

I felt my cheeks heathen up. "Aww you're blushing, how cute." The supreme witch teased.

I felt my face become even redder, I looked down in embarrassment. Zelda took her hand under my chin and lifted my head up, so I was looking into her eyes. "Do not worry, she's only teasing you, Layla." Zelda smiled.

"Would you like to talk more on Monday? Since you will be here for a week?" Zelda asked the supreme witch.

"Yes, I would love to get to talk to you. see you later then."

"See you later," Zelda replied and we walked around to talk to other guests.

The party had been going on for around two hours and it was soon midnight. Zelda said there would soon be fireworks. Everyone walked outside to see them, but Zelda and I walked upstairs to the balcony outside her room to watch them.

She held me firmly as we watched the beautiful and colorful fireworks exploding in the air. I looked down at the village and it was such a magnificent view that I would never forget it. I looked at all the people watching the fireworks.

When the fireworks stopped, Zelda placed herself in front of me and kissed me. she held her hands on my waist and I held my arms around her neck. She broke the kiss.

"Layla. I have never been so happy as I am today, before. I am truly in love with you and I want you so much. You have become such a big part of my life now, and I could not even imagine a life without you. I love you more than anything in this whole world. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and love you until the end."

She got down on one knee and held a small white box. She opened it, it was a beautiful golden ring with a black diamond in the middle and white diamonds around.

"Will you marry me?"

The savior of Alethia (GirlxGirl) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now