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I woke up without Zelda in my arms, she had woken up before me as usual. I walked outside the tent and I saw that everyone had woken up and they were all packing up our stuff. God, how early do these people wake up?

My eyes met Zelda's and she gave me a small smile and walked towards me with a wood plate with fruit. I took some fruit and thanked her.

"You will get sick if you keep eating only fruit," she said.

She's right, I am probably lacking all kinds of Vitamins and proteins because my diet only consists of fruit at the moment. I was a very picky eater and forest animals were not exactly my favorite.

"I know, but it's my favorite food in this world," I whined.

"When we take down the king, I will show you all kinds of food from my kingdom. All the pastries and treats."

"That sounds amazing, I can't wait." I'm glad they have some good food around here.

As we packed up our things, we proceeded to continue our trip to the 7th protector.

The weeks went by pretty fast and nothing out of the ordinary happened. There were only 5 days until we were there. I was not looking forward to it AT ALL.

The strange thing is that we hadn't met anyone on the way, not one single soul, not even the king's men. Wouldn't he try to stop us or something before we actually get to the stone? I'm so confused. I've had some neck pain lately and it doesn't get better. It's probably because I'm used to sleeping in a bed and not some blankets on the ground. I haven't told the others about my neck pain because I don't want them to worry about me and we have far more important things to worry about right now.

I decided to bathe in the river that was a few meters from the camp but guess what. ZELDA DECIDED TO JOIN ME.

We walked to the river with blankets in our hands. Was she going to bathe naked? Was I going to bathe naked? I had to, I couldn't exactly just bathe with my underwear. They would get soaked and it would take hours until they dried.

We were finally at the edge of the river and I looked at Zelda. She stood there and smiled. "Is it not nice out here?" she asked.

This is so awkward. I haven't even seen her body before. Maybe they were full of scars and that's why she hadn't shown me her body yet. "Yeah, it really is," I replied.

I should probably do something to make this less awkward but what am I supposed to do?

She looked at me with an amused expression on her face. "What are you waiting for? I thought you were going to bathe in the river."

"I could ask the same of you," I said.

She then started to take off her boots and then her cape and hen her corset thing. She then stopped and looked at me. "Are just going to stand there and stare? Who's the perv now."

I blushed and looked away from her, I started to undress too, and I was soon in my underwear. I glanced back at Zelda and she was also in her underwear. Surprisingly she had no scars, her skin looked flawless.

Her back was facing me, she took off her bra and glanced over her shoulder making eye contact with me. "You like what you see?" She gave me a coy smile. Her back was still facing me

My face must be as red as a tomato right now. I looked away with a grin on my face.

While I was taking off my underwear, I heard Zelda, she was already in the water. I had taken my underwear off my body and then wrapped the towel around me as I walked closer to the river.

The savior of Alethia (GirlxGirl) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now