Waking up

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Your POV

My ice pod slowly opens as I start to unfreeze falling onto the floor until someone stops me. "dad?" I hear my sister say I look up seeing a young human holding me up with pail skin and black hair. I quickly halt up as I rush up bowing slightly as a thank you and straighten out my clothes.

"who are you?" I question the humans. "I'm Keith" the one who prevented me from falling says as the others introduced themselves allura slaps Lance who   was flirting with her. Just then Coran pot opens and I rush to help him up before he fell. "Coran! Are you ok?" I ask my him "of course Princess y/n thanks a million"

Time has passed we got to know the paladins of voltron as my sister now walks around in her pink paladin uniform. I look at Coran who then looked at me and smiles. Feeling flustered and my heart rasing I smile back.

"allura when do we get to eat I'm starving" the yellow paladin known as hunk says. Sometime later we are all sat at the table as the paladins start eating they was all cuffed together. I look at Allura confused. "a team exists" she says to which I nod.

The boys (yes I know pigde is a girl but no one but pidge knew at this point) all tried feeding each other it was quite amusing to watch as they do they get fed up as the space goo went flying towards Allura. I giggle as coran saves her from being hit. Next they went for me. My face dropped as I duck under the table. "to close for comfort" I squawk loudly as Allra and everyone else laughs and I blush from embracement. The boys went for Allra and me again as I rush to hide behind Allra and coran. Laugher now fulling the air. Allura accidently move from behind coran and get hit, she starts looking mad then happy "you finally worked together as a team" she squils.

After the paladins and Allura went to bed it was just me and Coran. I blush slightly looking at him. "Coran?" I ask getting his attention. The hansom ginger male looks at me "yes princess?" he spoke softly. "I was just thinking its nice to be back but do you think it was the blue lion that woke us up?" I ask as we was asleep longer than intended "well of course it's wonderful being back and it seems like a possibility that the lion woke us" coran says smiling. Oh his smile can work miracles and always has done. Not noticing I was staring at Coran now he clears his throat making me come back to reality blushing intensely. "well Princess we might need to go to sleep now" he say smerking at me. "true we have a lot ahead of us now the paladins are here" I respond slightly saddened wanting to talk more. I guess I want really does never get. "oh princess it's just came to my attention that there might not be a room for you now the paladins requested there own rooms" I sigh thinking what to do. "I'll have to share or sleep on the sofa (couch for all you amaricans) Allura would be the best person to share with as she's my sister but she's alseep so that's a problem right now I guess I'll take the sofa" Coran raises a eyebrow "you don't have to do that you can share with me for the night" coran says wiggling his eyebrows at you making you giggle. "fine ok" I respond as if it took at lot of effort to persuade me to do so but secretly I loved Coran.

Changing in to my night wear I walk knock on Corans door gently. "are you ready Coran?" I ask before entering coran was in only pajama bottoms that was white with little ginger mustaches on them. I can feel the heat rising to my face as I walk in closing the door behind me. "sorry if this is uncomfortable Princess I can always put a top on" coran says slightly concerned. "no no it's ok Coran whatever is comfortable for you to sleep in" I say sitting on his bed. His room only had one bed. A king sized bed. "sorry we'll have to share" he says to which I smile "it's ok Coran I trust you with my life so I know you wouldn't try anything" I state as Coran smiles. I lay down as coran turns off the lights then gets into his bed next to me. I turn to my side to get comfortable. As I do I feel a arm snake around my side and pull me closer to them. I smile at Coran's actons. "goodnight princess" Coran says tiredly "Goodnight Coran" I say just before falling asleep dreaming peacefully thoughout the night.

So this is my first chapter and I'm so sorry if it's bad but I hope you enjoy it. Yes I know my English isn't the best but I'm definitely improving it thanks to school which proves me from writing theas but I'll try my best to write more. Thank you for reading.

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