Chapter four - Tiny Cafe.

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It looked to Henry that he had moved into Louis' house and wasn't leaving any time soon. He felt bad that Louis was paying for everything, rent, clothes and bits and pieces for Henry, food. Everything. So Henry decided that he was going to go out and get a job. He honestly felt bad that Louis was paying for everything. He knew Louis could afford it, I mean he's a celebrity for god sake, but none the less he still felt bad.

Henry desperately needed a phone and that wasn't really something he wanted to ask Louis to get him. He knew that Niall would keep wanting updates and would want to keep asking him questions and there was no way he could ask him face to face because Louis was always with Henry or he would get suspicious. So the best thing to do was get a phone, of course.

So around ten thirty the next moring Henry went out in search of a job. As he didnt have a car - which is another thing he needs - he had to walk into town. Although it was only about a miles walk it was still quite a distance but Henry needed a job so he had to get used to walking distances.

He went into practically every shop there was in town but no one wanted him, he was going to give up until he realised he still hadn't been into the small cafe that him and Louis ate in a few days ago. When he walked in it was just like when he went in with Louis. The bell chimed above the door, the woman behind the till looked up and gave him the same smile and the same strong smell of coffee and cakes filled his senses. "Hi, I don't suppose you have any jobs going do you?" Henry asked, once he'd reached the till. "Just give me a second, I'll need to go and ask." The smiley lady said, who Henry presumes is called Jadie as that was the name displayed on her badge.

When Jadie came back she had the smile still placed on her lips and her blue eyes shone happily. "You're lucky. We need a new worker desperatly at the minute and you're the only person who seems interested. My manager will just need a few things checking and signing and you have the job. He doesn't even want an interview with you, which you should feel lucky about. I was terrified during mine." Jadie laughed. "Anyways, if you'd like to come round the back and knock on that door you can talk with the manager. Good luck." So Henry thanked the nice lady and went round the back, He knocked on the door that Jadie had pointed at and waited for some indication that he could walk in. Seconds later the door opened and a fairly young man opened the door and let him in. "You must be the lad who wants a job, correct?" Which Henry replied with a nod. "Brilliant well, if I can just take some details like name, age, address, so on and so fourth and then the job is all yours. Sound good enough to you?" The manager asked. "Sounds perfect." Henry answered because yes! He has a job.

But then Henry realised something. What is his name? I mean, that's a stupid question to ask yourself, right? He should know what his name is but the real question is what does he say his name is? Because everyone knew him as Henry. But how long for? He couldn't still wear his Henry badge when everyone knew he wasn't actually called Henry but then again he couldn't say his name was Harry because no one knew he was Harry yet. So what if someone, for example Louis, walks in and asks why his name badge says Harry? What would he say then?

So Henry knew that the best way to settle that question was to tell his new boss the whole truth. He had to tell him who he's know as, who he actually is and the whole story as to why everything was so confusing. His boss was a little taken back at first because omg, he has Harry Styles working in his tiny cafe and also the fact that was one hell of a story.

After Henry's manager had every detail he needed and he'd also come to terms that he has Harry Styles working for him he let Henry leave. He took some papers with him on everything he needed to do, safety precautions, you know all that jazz and went back home to Louis.

"Louis, guess what? I got a job" Harry cheered the minute he walked into their apartment. But he didn't get a cheering Louis in return, in fact he didn't even get a Louis. "Louis?" Harry called again, still getting no reply. So he went upstairs to see if he was in the shower or he had his earphone in so he couldn't hear him. Once he was at the top of the stairs he couldn't hear any water running, so he obviously wasn't having a shower so he went over to Louis' bedroom door and pushed it open slighlty so he could see inside. But Louis wasn't sitting in bed listening to his music. He was curled up in a ball, cuddling up to a pillow, fast asleep. Henry didn't want to wake him up and tell him the brilliant news so instead he walked in and slipped off him shoes before climbing into bed with Louis and pulling him onto his chest. "Mmm, Harry?" Henry froze, what was he supposed to say to that? 'yeah love, it's me' or 'no, it's Henry. Go back to sleep love.' So in the end Henry just decided to go with 'go back to sleep Lou' because then he didn't have to answer who he was. Clever, right?

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