Chapter seven - Doctors to Newspapers.

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Henry has been ill for the last week or so. He knew though, that if he did go to the Doctors Louis would find out his whole secret and he didn't want that. Not yet at least. So all he could do was just stay in bed and deal with it.

Louis kept insisting that he see's a doctor but Henry, being the stubborn person he is, refused every time. Louis was being great actually. He would take up Chicken Soup to Henry and give him extra blankets or open a window or he would just sit in bed with Henry and give him company. Louis didn't mind if he got ill, as long as he was looking after Henry nothing else mattered.

Louis was meant to go back to work three days ago but as Henry was ill, he said no. Of course his manager wasn't happy because who is Henry anyway? But let him have another week off mainly being that if Louis did become ill, he didn't want him coming into work and making everyone else ill too. Luckily Louis didn't have to film anything at the minute as he wasn't acting in any films or TV shows but he did have fan mail to answer and interviews to go to but that could all wait.

On Tuesday Louis did have an interview to go to - that he couldn't miss - but he didn't want to leave Henry alone. Of course Henry said he would be fine for a few hours but Louis made Niall come round to stay with him anyway. The whole time Louis was away he worried. What if Henry got worse or persuaded Niall to go home so he was all alone? He was protective of Henry that's for sure.

Henry never minded Louis being there. Of course he didn't mind the company but he just really wanted to be alone so he could sleep. Niall understood that and just watch the TV downstairs instead or pestering Henry in his and Louis' room.

Of course when Niall first arrived he did tell Henry he really needed to go to the doctors, but like everytime Louis told him, he said no. He told Niall he couldn't let Louis take him as he would find out he wasn't actually Henry and it was bound to be on the news the next day that Harry was back after being missing for five years. He couldn't cope with that, especially as he was ill.

After about two and a half hours Louis came back, rushing through the front door and running up stairs - without taking his shoes or coat off - to make sure Henry was okay and that he hadn't died in the past two hours. The younger man was obviously as fine as he could be whist being ill and hadn't died whilst Louis had gone but Louis just needed to make sure. Once he saw Henry lying in bed with a lazy smile on his lips, Louis took off his coat and shoes before getting into bed with the ill man and holding him as the two fell asleep. Niall had gone into the room minutes later, - wondering why Louis had suddenly rushed in like he did - only to find the two men wrapped up in each others arms, fast asleep.

Niall thought it was cute how close the two had gotten over the period of seven months but still found it odd how Louis was completely oblivious to Harry living under the same roof as him. Louis had loved Harry since X Factor yet he didn't recognise him when he bumped into him in the street and still doesn't recognise him now they have been living together for nearly eight months. Niall knew that if Zayn was the one to go missing five years ago he would definitely recognise him if he saw him now. Without a shadow of a doubt. So how could Louis not recognise Harry?

Over two weeks Henry got worse, he couldn't eat, he was always cold but his temperature was sky high and he couldn't talk or move, yet he still refused to go to the hospital. He would mumble out 'Niall' repeatedly but Louis just couldn't understand why. Henry needed Niall. He knew he was too ill to ignore it now but he still couldn't let Louis know who he was. Louis rang Niall after Henry just repeated his name over and over again and obviously, it hurt Louis. Why did he want Niall and not him?

Niall rushed straight over to Henry's and Louis' flat. If Henry was asking to go to the hospital he knew things had obviously gotten worse. Once he had arrived, and made space in the back seats of his car for Henry to lie down in, he rushed straight up into the bedroom he knew Henry would be in.

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