Chapter five - Cheeky little visit.

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Henry had been working at 'Tiny Cafe' - as he called it - for about four months now. He'd managed to get himself a cheap little phone to keep in contact with Niall, Zayn, Liam, Louis, and work.

Henry had become quite good friends with Jadie since working at Tiny Cafe and when they'd go out somewhere together or she would drop Henry off back home after he finished his shift Louis would get rather jealous. Henry and Louis' relationship was a bit confusing. Louis liked Henry and Henry loved Louis. But of course he did. He'd been in love with Louis for ten years, but of course Louis didn't know that. They both knew they had some sort of feelings for each other but never pushed it to being any more than friends.

But enough about their non-relationship relationship. Anne was visiting. Yay! As everyone knows, Anne is Harry's mum. Hmm, yeah. Do you see the problem now? Louis had told Henry yesterday that Anne was visiting.

"Henry?" Louis shouted when he heard the front door shut.

"Yeah, s'me." Henry shouted back, walking towards the direction he heard Louis' voice. When he entred Louis' room he found the older man lying on the bedroom floor with piles of clothes all over the floor around him.

"What in the world are you doing?" Henry asked, examining the room with wide eyes. He heard a nervous laugh come from the floor and when he looked down he was met with a sheepish looking Louis.

"Yeah, about that. I'm tidying." And Henry laughed because Louis tidying?

"You? Tidying? Okay, who are you and what have you done with Louis?" Henry laughed, as Louis got into a sitting position and rolled his eyes.

"Ha ha ha" the older man said sarcastically. "I'm tidying because we are having a visitor coming tomorrow, actually." Louis explained, crossing his legs so he looked about five.

"Oh right, who?" Henry asked, pushing things out of the way so he could make a path to sit across from Louis.

"Well you remember me talking about Harry right?" Louis asked and of course Henry remembered. "Well his mum is coming down to stay for a few days. She's like my second mum, so she quite regularly comes down for visits. The rest of the lads will be down to see her too."

What?! Harry's mum is coming to stay but...and...oh dear.

"Ah, that's great. I'm glad I finally get to meet her." Henry faked excitement. What am I going to do? Henry thought to himself. His mum will catch him without a doubt.

So Henry made a quick excuse to leave the room so he could ring Niall.


"Niall, what the hell am I going to do?"

"Harry, just chill mate. When she arrives stay upstairs or something and I'll guide her up to your room so you can explain without Louis, okay?"

"Okay, yeah. I can do that. She'll be sleeping in my room anyway so I can just offer to help her unpack and get to know her or something."

"Brilliant, yeah, do that. I have to go though mate. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Haz."


So Anne was coming down today. Henry was just finishing his shift from work before Niall picked him up to take him back home again.

Henry finished work at 4:30 and Anne would arrive about 5:00 so it gave Henry an excuse to be upstairs when she arrived. He'll be taking forever to get out of his work uniform. Obviously.

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