Chapter six - Snow.

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Louis loved the snow. He loved making snow men and snow angels. Oh and don't forget the snow ball fights. He enjoyed playing in the snow when he was younger with his sisters and as he grew up he enjoyed playing in it with Harry. The snow was Harry's and Louis' thing. Every time it even indicated it was going to snow the two boys got excited.

Henry loved the snow. Henry still loves the snow. He of course didn't love it so much when he lived under the bridge. Who would? It was horrible for him. Not only was he frezzing cold but he also didn't enjoy watching the snow fall and make a white blanket on the floor. He didnt like thinking that Louis could be playing in the snow, having fun with someone else. Someone that wasn't Harry. Of course Henry loved watching the snow, snow is beautiful but at the same time he also hated it.

It was now December which meant it was close to Louis Birthday, close to Chirstmas and a chance there will be snow at some point. Henry wondered what Louis would be like when it snowed. Would he get excited and invite Henry to play outside with him or would he just carry on with his day like usual and ignore the fact that it was completely white outside?

The ninth was the first day it started to snow. Henry woke up that morning to find the bed empty and perfectly made. He looked out of the window expecting to see Louis smiling and having fun. But he didn't. Louis' garden was empty. When Henry was downstairs, all the lights were off and there was no sound coming from anywhere. Had Louis gone to the other boys' house? Is that was he did when it snowed now that Harry had gone, play in the snow with the other boys instead? Henry couldn't help but feel hurt. The other boys had replaced Harry. The snow wasn't Harry's and Louis thing anymore. It was Louis', Liam's, Niall's and Zayn's.

Henry turned the light on and walked into kitchen, thinking maybe Louis was in there. He wasn't. So he rang Niall. Before Henry could even say anything Niall said 'Check the window' and then hung up. It confused Henry put did as he was told anyway. When Henry pulled back the curtains Louis was sat on the window sill, staring out of the window. Louis didn't even flinch when the curtains open and he didn't reply to the countless times Henry tried to get his attention.

Niall came round within that hour and explained to Henry why Louis was like that. And Henry was shocked. Louis didn't play in the snow without Harry. He didn't go along with his day like normal. Infact, he didn't do anything. He just sat in the window sill watching the snow fall, day after day, until it stopped. He wouldn't talk, he wouldn't eat, he wouldn't move. All because Harry wasn't with him to play in the snow anymore.

It snowed for a whole week and Louis didn't move from the window. He would just stare out of the window. And it worried Henry a great deal. He hated seeing the person he loved being so upset that he couldn't and wouldn't do anything. He felt guilty that he left Louis five years ago but he just couldn't bring himself to say that Harry was back and that he was Harry.

Throughout the week Henry would ask Louis if he wanted anything, food, water, to go to the toilet. But Louis just ignored him. When the snow had gone and there wasn't even any sign that snow had even been there Louis was back to his unsual bouncy self. Henry didn't know if he should ask what had happened the week before or if he should just forget about it and carry on like Louis hadn't turned into a statue eight days ago.

It was only about two weeks later when it started to snow again. It wasn't as bad as it was before because the second the snow hit the ground it was gone again. It confused Henry because one minute Louis can be sat in the window staring into thin air and the next he'll be as hyper as ever. When Louis was sat in the window again Henry decided that if he asked Louis if he actually wanted to play in the snow instead of watching it through the window it might cheer him up. Oh was he wrong. Louis' answer surprised Henry no end. He didn't get excited and put on his coat, instead he didn't even move and just said 'not without Harry' and that was that.

Every time it snowed after that, Henry tried to hide it by closing the curtains in every room of the house but Louis would get annoyed, and then go back around opening all of them again and then climbing into the living room window and sitting there until the snow stopped.

When it was the weekend of Louis' Birthday and Christmas it luckily didn't snow. Which was a good thing for Henry and the rest of the boys. They didn't know if they could cope seeing a statue Louis in the window of those two special days. All of the boys were more than happy for Louis' Birthday because Harry was there. Of course Louis (and Liam) didn't know that but the other boys did, and that made them happy, so it made Liam and Louis happy too.


Finally got round to re-writing this chapter. It's not as good as the first attempt but I hope you like it anyways(:

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