The Jackal Squad

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This is another young child chapter.... I think you get the point about the grammar in these younger chapters by now....

 23 years before the "Incident" at Aqua Road, nearly 23 years and 8 months before Sonic Forces

Infinite- Age 4

I and Amara had been walkings for a really long times. We hads been walking for a whole two hours

Now, the yellow circle that sat in the white and blue above my head was gone, and a dark blues was now above me and Amara's heads. 

Amara looked at the big white circle in the dark blues and yawned. "We needs to find somewhere to sleeps." She told me, then began climbings up a big brown thing, Amara had called it a rock earlier, before looking downs at me. "Need some helps?" She asked me. 

"Maybes." I told hers back, trying to climb ups the rock. I felt her grabs my paw, and she pulleds me ups. 

"I gotcha." Amara pulleds me up to where the rock was as flat as where we weres a whole minute agos. "We stay here. We safe up here, Infinite."

 I laid down near where the wall started to go up agains, so did she, so the big mercenaries didn't thinks we were targets. We stayed that ways until the yellow circle came back, and we climbed downs. 

"We gotta find more little jackals, like us." Amara saids to me. 


"The more jackals we haves, the tougher we can bes. I'll show yous." She quickly turned and jumped on me. 

"Amara! Be carefuls with my face! It still hurts!" I squealed at her. 

"Try to get mes off!" She giggleds. 

I waved my paws, trying to get hers off, for a whiles, until I hit hers and she went off my little body. 

"You be tough, Infinite! See how awesome we can bes if we have a bunch of us?!" Amara bounced around excitedly. 

I giggleds too. "Yeah!" I posed like a big, tough jackal. "We be awesome!" We climbed all overs each other for a while, shoving each other offs, until we saws a tiny pair of eyes. 

"Who is yous?" I asked the tiny eyes, another little jackal appeared. 

"I is Hunter." The little jackal replied. 

"I is Infinite." I replieds. 

"I is Amara." Amara also told him. 

Hunter waveds a bit at us. "Do you has squad?" Hunter asked me and Amara. 

"Yes." I tolds him. 

"Can I join? I is good fighter." 

"How goods of fighter?" Amara asked. 

"How do yous want me to prove it?" 

Amara lookeds ats me. "How do we want him to prove that he's tough enough to be a part of squad?" 

"Maybe he could come along with us, like he would if we accepts him." 

Amara smileds. "I like thats! C'mon Hunter!" 

Hunter began to follows me and Amara.


Hunter was rights. He was a good fighter. Now I hads three jackals in my squad, Me, Amara and Hunter. 

"Do we has a name for this squad?" Hunter askeds.

 I thoughts for a bits. "The Jackal Squad." I said proudlys. 

"I like thats!" Amara piped. 

Hunter jumped in a pouncing form. "Me too! Now lets figures out who's gonna be the boss!" We spent the rest of the day wrestlings and other fighting stuffs. 

By the time the big yellow circle was starting to disappears, we had decided on who was the leader. 

"You be boss, Infinite!" Amara cheered. "You super tough and strong!" Amara and Hunter were about the same in strongness, so I didn't have a back-up boss. 

Amara yawned, tired from all the fightings, and we crawled backs up onto the giant rock and fell asleep. We were three very young jackals, all tryings to survive.

If only we knew what we would become when we got older.

Episode Jackal (War Over Mobius Saga: Ruby Route #1)Where stories live. Discover now