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A little more than 20 and a half before Sonic Forces, nearly 20 years before the "Incident" at Aqua Road

Infinite- Age 8

"Infi-Boss!" Amara came running into my den, small hills of dirt forming under her feet as she stopped.

As the squad grew, we moved from the outcropping that Amara and me found two years ago into a larger one, one where we could dig dens into the dirt surrounding it. We now had six jackals, that's a lot of mercenaries for me to handle.

Although I've begun to learn how to mask it, I'm really thankful for Amara. I looked up from my sword, which I had stolen from an armory that was experimenting with new weapon technology, and changed my focus to her.

She had begun to mess around with a tougher style, silver hair pulled into a tight ponytail, a red tank top and black pants that went to her knees. Simple gloves now covered her paws instead of the bandages that she was wearing when we met.

"What do you need, Amara?"

"Some grown guy wants you. Says it's important." Amara placed one of her hand on her hips and leaned in that direction, her thug undertone becoming more apparent as she got older.

I walked towards her, pushing the pile of assorted fabrics that made my sleeping area closer to the back wall. "Got your blade?"

"As always." She smiled as she motioned to the sharp dagger attached to a belt on her hips.

"Alright then, let's see what this guy wants." Amara led me to where the others were.

"I suppose you're the leader of this mangy group?" A snarling voice met me as I walked onto the outcropping.

"Who wants me?"

Amara snarled a little and pointed to a grown wolf, black with yellow eyes, who had Hunter climbing on him, seeing if he posed a threat to me.

"Hunter! Off!" The words boomed from my mouth.

He dropped to the ground as soon at the words reached him.

The wolf looked at me, his cold yellow eyes providing anything but a welcome. "You're the so-called Infinite, I assume?"

I stood taller, trying to keep him from treating me like a child. "I am."

He chuckled, snarls vibrating with his amusement. "I see." His snarling chuckle continued. "Your reputation and crime record are bigger than you are.... I expected someone older."

"That a compliment," I motioned for Amara and the others to prepare their weapons. "or a threat?"

A look of surprise flickered on his face as if he didn't expect children to be holding daggers, swords and loaded guns. "Children, please!" He slowly pushed Hunter's gun down with the tip of his finger then looked at Amara, dagger still raised to strike.

The newer members of my squad, Quickstrike and Marauder, kept their weapons out too; they both wielded axes

My squad had every right to point their weapons at the older criminal, since he was in our territory, but he seemed appalled that we drew them in his presence.

"Do you want a job or not?!"


We followed the wolf, Reznor was his name, out of Bloodpool Canyon.

I felt a bit unsettled as we got increasingly closer to civilizations, where the chance that we could be arrested and separated skyrocketed.

Episode Jackal (War Over Mobius Saga: Ruby Route #1)Where stories live. Discover now